Adding Multiple Fields to a Super Search List View Column

All GivingData users can add up to five additional data fields to a column in a Super Search list view.

List View

When querying the database in Super Search, a list view will be generated with the search results. Each column in the list view displays a single data field found in the database, but a user can choose to add additional data fields to a column as a way to group information. This does not change the fields in the database.

Below is an example of a list view from a Request Super Search.

Adding Multiple Data Fields to a List View Column

In this example, the user would like to see the data fields “Primary Contact Full Name” and “Primary Contact Email” together in one column. 

First, click the “Edit Columns” button.

Locate the column to add an additional field to. Click on the yellow arrow beside the column name and select “Add More Fields to this Column.”

The “Select Request Columns” modal will appear.  The user can select the additional field(s) to add to the column. To do so, type the field name(s) into the search bar, or select the field(s) from the appropriate section.

Click “Select” to add the field. Note that the field is now visible in the Edit Columns modal. 

Click “Update” to refresh the list view. The column now displays both the Primary Contact’s full name and email address.

Export View 

Users can choose to export the search results as an Excel or CSV file. Select “Export to” and then select the file type. 

Once exported, both data fields will be visible within a single cell per line item of data.