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Updating the EntraID App Registration Client Secret

The App Registrations client secret key might require updating or even expire due to the expiration policy that's set when the secret is created.

EntraID client secret keys expire within 6 to 24 months as a security measure against long-term credential risks. Azure requires regular review and updates of credentials.

To create a new Client Secret Key if expired (or if you just need to update it), you can follow these 3 steps:

Navigate to https://azure.microsoft.com/: Log in to the Azure Portal.


1. Access Microsoft Entra ID and App Registrations: From the left menu, find and click on "Microsoft Entra ID” 


Next,  select "App Registrations."


2. Select Your Application: From the list of app registrations, select the GivingData application to open its overview page.



**Observe the alert that may indicate your Secret Key has expired. Click the RED banner to create a new one

3. Navigate to Certificates & Secrets: In the application's menu, find and click on "Certificates & secrets"


Azure client secret keys no longer support 'never - ending' secret dates (99 years). This change aligns with Microsoft's requirement for a two-year maximum lifespan for new secrets. This change enhances security by preventing long-term credential risks.

**While Azure does not give indication of an issue for these, existing long-lived secrets will also require update following the guidance outlined in this article.

To Create a New Secret, click on "New client secret." Provide a description for the secret, and set the expiration to 24 months. Click "Add" to save the new client secret.



⚠️NOTE - GivingData will require the Secret Key “Value” NOT the Secret ID.

Copy and securely store the secret value immediately after creation, as it will not be visible again once you navigate away from the page.

Send These details to GivingData

After creating the Secret Key, ensure you document it. Share this information with your GivingData Project Manager or Technical Lead and they will update your configuration.