Creating and Adding a Super Doc to a Record

Once a Super Doc template has been added to GivingData, users with appropriate permissions can create a Super Doc based on the template. This document can be added to an organization, request, payment or requirement record

      1. To navigate to the organization, request, payment or requirement to which the Super Doc will be added, click the magnifying glass in the site’s Quick Navigation Bar or click Search on the home page.

      1. Once in an organization, request, requirement, or payment record, navigate to the document tab and click the green “Add New Document” button.

      1. In the dropdown that appears, click “From Template.” 

      1. Define what record the document should be assigned to.
      2. The following modal will appear.
      3. Select a Super Doc template to use from the dropdown.

      1. Depending on the fields in the Super Doc template being used, some fields will automatically fill out within the document. However, to add additional data or text to the document, click on the title of the Super Doc to edit it.