Custom Fields Overview

This article covers GivingData custom fields.

Custom Field Overview

Custom Fields are new data points added to a designated record to fulfill a Foundation's data collection needs. They are optional and limited by the type of GivingData license. An Implementation Manager or CSM builds custom fields in Settings.

Custom Fields can be added to the following record types in GivingData: 

  • Organizations 
  • Requests
  • Payments 
  • Contacts 
  • Requirements 

Custom fields are commonly used to map data from an intake form into a Request record for internal analysis or data access. They can also be pulled into Super Search columns or used as Super Search criteria. Custom fields include the following field types: dates, numbers, decimals, written text, or boolean fields (yes/no, true/false). For drop-down questions, you can only select one option for custom fields; there is no multi-select option.

Calculated Custom Fields 

A Calculated Custom Field displays a calculation from one or more fields into one field. 

Calculated Custom Fields allow users to create custom formulas using a scripting language. These formulas can be used with different data point fields on Organizations, Requests, Payments, and Requirements records.

Whenever the data in these records changes, the formula's results will automatically update. You can refresh all the Calculated Custom Fields values across your site at once in the Calculated Fields page located in Settings.

Common Custom Field Use Cases

Clients utilize custom fields in various ways. Here are some common use cases of custom fields. 

  • Documenting comments during internal review processes
  • Tracking populations served and staffing among grantees
  • Gathering programmatic grant details
  • Reporting on additional information for Board Chair and/or Executive Leadership   
  • Gathering information specific to a funding opportunity within application questions
  • Documenting scholarship details
  • Tracking social media handles for contacts

Pro Tip: Users can often collect data using a code or custom field. We recommend contacting your CSM or Implementation Manager to determine which type will work best for your site.