Displaying Multiple Code Levels in Super Search Column Headers

All GivingData users can change how data is displayed in list views. This article focuses on Super Search results and shows how to view different levels of hierarchical codes.

List View Results

Codes may have a hierarchical structure, and users may choose what level they wish to show in list views.  In the example below, a request search was run, and the code “Geographical Area Served” was chosen to show as a column.

Change the Display

To change the display of the column, navigate to the “Edit Columns” button.

The user will select the column they wish to change and select “Edit Field Display.”  

The system will recognize that the user has selected a column displaying codes, and the following modal will appear.

The user may select one of the three options in the dropdown menu (seen above).  If the user chooses “Specific Level,” they will be asked to specify which level they want to appear.

For illustrative purposes, the full coding path was selected to display. Below is the new, modified results set from Super Search.