Google Gmail Add-on Installation

The Google Gmail™ add-on supports seamless email integration with the GivingData platform. The Gmail add-on allows you to send email conversations to GivingData and record them as interactions within the system.

The new Gmail add-on enables users to synchronize emails with interaction records and continue email conversations from GivingData or Gmail. Emails can be associated with specific contacts, organizations, funding requests, and payment records. Any document attached to the emails is automatically downloaded to GivingData and linked to the corresponding interaction record.

The Gmail add-on is available at the Pro & Enterprise license levels and can be added to a Go license. Please reach out to your CSM for more information.

Installation Instructions

Navigate to Google Marketplace using the link attached here. Select the GivingData Interactions add-on and click Install. Follow the prompts. 

Return to your Gmail console. Refresh your screen and select the GivingData logo that now appears on your side add-on menu. Click on the three dots and choose 'Settings' in the add-on. You will come across two blank fields you must fill with the information obtained from your GivingData site.

Log into your GivingData site. Once logged in, copy the URL address from the address bar at the top of your browser, ending with the .com (do not include /#/). Return to your Gmail console and paste this URL into the first field in the GivingData add-on settings. 

Next, go back to your GivingData site. Click your name and then select “Manage My Profile”. 

Select the Integrations tab on the left-hand side of the page, and click the “Create API Key” green button. NOTE: The Gmail Integration API will only be available for clients who have the "Manage Interactions" Permission. 

Click the “Copy to Clipboard” button. Navigate back to your Gmail console, select the GD add-on settings and paste the API key into the API Key field.

Click Save. You're ready to go!

GivingData Interactions

*NOTE - You may need to open the side panel to access the GivingData add-on

Click on the GivingData add-on in your Gmail.  If the Contact is connected to an Organization, it will pull the Organization in as well as any Requests under that organization. You can select which of the Requests or Organizations you would like the interaction to be connected to.  Click "Create Interaction".

The link in the Gmail add-on will take you directly to the interaction. 

Once back in GivingData, Gmail Icons in the interaction denote that the email was sent from Gmail. If there are follow-up threads from an email correspondence, you can choose to add those into GivingData by pressing on the add-on again from within your Gmail and selecting "Update Interaction".

Attached documents in emails will show in the interaction. 

Best practice: Click “Download the Original Attachment or “Create Document From Attachment” to save it on your computer or the record.