Grantee 360

Grantee 360 is a visual representation of an Organization’s history with the foundation. This feature is available on the “Grantee 360” tab of an Organization record.



Grantee 360 consists of five “swim lanes” that represent various elements of a grant. Each icon represents the request disposition, payment/requirement status, interaction type, or key moment type. 

Users may filter data out of the Grantee 360 in order to streamline their view. The view can be filtered by icon/entity type (using the dropdown in the top right corner of the page). 

Users may click and drag in the timeline to zoom in.  The image below is from the same Organization as above but a different time period (2017-2022).


The outline of the icons on the Requests, Requirements, and Payments swim lanes represents the request disposition.

Payments and Requirements

The interior of the icons for the Payments and Requirements swim lanes represent their respective status.

Interaction Type

Interaction types are set in the Settings menu.  This can be accessed by a GivingData administrator.

Key Moments

Key moment types are set in the Settings menu.  This can be accessed by a GivingData administrator.