How to Setup Default Request Coding by Transaction Type

Learn how to configure your GivingData site to automatically assign request codes based on transaction type.

1. Navigate to Admin Tools & Settings by selecting the gear icon from the Quick Navigation Menu.

If you do not have access to the gear icon, please contact your GivingData site administrator.

Navigate to Admin Tools & Settings by selecting the gear icon from the Quick Navigation Menu.

2. Select Requests from the Grantmaking section.

Select Requests from the Grantmaking section.

3. Expand the Default Coding section.

Expand the Default Coding section.

4. Select the edit icon beside a request transaction type.

Select the edit icon beside a request transaction type.

5. Click Add New Code.

Click Add New Code.

6. Select a code type that you'd like to assign automatically to new requests with this transaction type. Then click Update.

Note: New default code assignments must be added one at a time.

Select a code type that you'd like to assign automatically to new requests with this transaction type. Then click Update.

7. Select a code within that code type that will be the default code assignment. Then, click OK.

Note: In this example, Matching Gift is a code within the Fund code type.

Select a code within that code type that will be the default code assignment. Then, click OK.

8. Users can add multiple default coding assignments from various code types within the database. To do so, repeat steps 4 - 7.

Users can add multiple default coding assignments from various code types within the database. To do so, repeat steps 4 - 7.

9. To test the default coding assignments, create a new request with the same transaction type selected in step 4.

To test the default coding assignments, create a new request with the same transaction type selected in step 4.

10. Once the request is created, navigate to the Tags & Coding page. The default coding assignments should now be assigned.

Once the request is created, navigate to the Tags & Coding page. The default coding assignments should now be assigned.