GivingData BILL Integration Requirements and Setup Instructions

The GivingData BILL Integration can be used to send single payments from GivingData out for payment in BILL. The Bill Integration is an add on at all GivingData subscription levels.

Integration Requirements

To ensure a smooth set up of the BILL Integration, please have access to the following personnel:

  1. Finance team or team members who will be processing payments
  2. Administrator for your BILL account
  3. Bill Account Manager/CSM for your BILL account
  4. Optional: Technical resource (IT Professional) to assist with the collection of the keys required to set up the BILL Integration

New to BILL?

If you do not currently have a BILL account, please reach out to your GivingData CSM. Your CSM will coordinate to have a BILL representative reach out to you to set up your account.

Already have a BILL account?

If you currently have a BILL account, ensure that you have an Enterprise account. An Enterprise BILL account is required to utilize the GivingData BILL Integration. If you are unsure what BILL account subscription you hold, please reach out to your BILL Account Manager to confirm.


Integration Set Up Instructions

To set up the BILL Integration, you will need to provide your GivingData Implementation Manager or Client Success Manager with a few "keys" to use to configure the integration. Please see the below instructions on how to obtain the keys.

Step 1: Obtain a BILL Developer Key

To obtain your BILL Developer Key, please reach out to your BILL Account Manager to be provided with your BILL Developer Key.

Step 2: Create a Sync Token and Sync Password

A Sync Token will be used by the integration to authenticate into your BILL Account through the GivingData BILL Integration. To create a Sync Token, the Administrator for your BILL account, or optionally your IT professional with access to your BILL account, will need to follow the below steps:

The Sync Token will be associated with the logged-in user. If you would like the Integration to be set up under a generic API BILL user account, you can create a new user in BILL, then login to BILL using that user login to set up the Sync Token.

User creation example:

First Name: API

Last Name: User

Email: <the email the API user will use to sign in>

Role: Administrator

  1. Login to your BILL account
  2. Click on “Settings” in the left navigation menu
  3. Under “Sync & Integrations”, select “Tokens”
  4. Use the “New” button to create a new Sync Token
  5. Give the token a name and copy it down
  6. Click “Save”
  7. On the next screen, your sync token’s password will be displayed. Copy the sync token password. This step is important because you won’t be able to view the password again.

Step 3: Provide the Developer Key, Sync Token Name and Sync Token Password to your GD Implementation Manager or CSM who will complete the integration set up.