Adding Manual Merge Fields to GivingData Document Templates

Learn how to add merge fields that are not available in the GivingData MS Word Add-In. This guide will teach you how to insert coding, custom fields, and contact role information into document templates.

Inserting a manual merge field

1. Within Microsoft Word, select the Insert tab.

Within Microsoft Word, select the Insert tab.

2. Select the 'Insert Field' button.

Select the 'Insert Field' button.

3. Within the Field modal that opens, select 'Mail Merge' as the category and 'MergeField' as the field name.

Within the Field modal that opens, select 'Mail Merge' as the category and 'MergeField' as the field name.

4. In the text box, add a space after 'MERGEFIELD' and type in your manual merge field. Then click OK.

Request is the entity that houses the Primary Staff field. The entity must be entered before the field name.

In the text box, add a space after 'MERGEFIELD' and type in your manual merge field. Then click OK.

5. If you are using a Mac computer, quotation marks must be added around the merge field.

If you are using a Mac computer, quotation marks must be added around the merge field.

Coding Merge Fields

When creating your document template, you may find it helpful to add merge fields that map in organization or request coding selections. Please note that payment and contact coding merge fields are currently not supported.

1. Navigate to Admin Tools & Settings and select Codes/Attributes.

Navigate to Admin Tools & Settings and select Codes/Attributes.

2. Locate the code type that you would like to map into your document template (i.e. Program Area). Take note of its Code Type ID.

Locate the code type that you would like to map into your document template (i.e. Program Area). Take note of its Code Type ID.

3. Follow steps 1-3 from the "Inserting a manual merge field" section above.

4. The merge field format for coding is {Entity}.Coding_{CodeTypeID}. This means that in order to map in the request code type (Program Area), the merge field would be Request.Coding_71.

Please note that 71 is the Code Type ID shown in step 2. Code type IDs will vary depending on your configuration.

The merge field format for coding is {Entity}.Coding_{CodeTypeID}. This means that in order to map in the request code type (Program Area), the merge field would be Request.Coding_71.

5. Add the merge field to the text box.

Add the merge field to the text box.

6. There are a number of optional switches that can be added to the end of a coding merge field to determine which information is mapped in.

Note: Switches are indicated in bold.

There are a number of optional switches that can be added to the end of a coding merge field to determine which information is mapped in.

7. Add a switch to the merge field (optional) and click OK.

Add a switch to the merge field (optional) and click OK.

8. The merge field will now appear in the document.

Tip: Try highlighting the merge field and changing the font and size to match the style of your document.

The merge field will now appear in the document.

Custom Field Merge Fields

1. Identify the custom field that you'd like to add as a merge field. Contact your GivingData Client Success Manager to ask for the Custom Field ID.

2. Once you have the Custom Field ID, follow steps 1-3 from the "Inserting a manual merge field" section.

3. The merge field format for a custom field is {Entity}.CustomField_{CustomFieldID}. The {Entity} will always be the type of GivingData record that the custom field is located on (ex. Request, Organization, Requirement, Payment, Regrant).

The merge field format for a custom field is {Entity}.CustomField_{CustomFieldID}. The {Entity} will always be the type of GivingData record that the custom field is located on (ex. Request, Organization, Requirement, Payment, Regrant).

4. Enter the merge field in the text box and click OK.

Enter the merge field in the text box and click OK.

5. The merge field will now appear in the document.

The merge field will now appear in the document.

Contact Role Merge Fields

1. Follow steps 1-3 from the "Inserting a manual merge field" section above.

2. The merge field format for inserting contact fields based on contact role is {Entity}.Contact_{Role}_{Field}. The {Entity} will either be organization for mapping in an organization role, or request for mapping in a request role.

Please note that if there are multiple contacts with the same role (i.e. a request has two contacts with the request role of Payment Contact), the merge field will only map in one of the contacts.

The merge field format for inserting contact fields based on contact role is {Entity}.Contact_{Role}_{Field}. The {Entity} will either be organization for mapping in an organization role, or request for mapping in a request role.

3. If you'd like to add merge fields for the Request Primary Contact, the role name can be omitted.

If you'd like to add merge fields for the Request Primary Contact, the role name can be omitted.

4. Add the merge field to the text box and click OK.

Add the merge field to the text box and click OK.

5. The merge field will now appear in the document.

The merge field will now appear in the document.