Release Notes 4.7.8, 4.7.9, and 4.7.10

This release contains improvements from versions 4.7.8, 4.7.9, and 4.7.10.


  • Updated the new Payments and Approvals Dashboards to display Planning, Pending, and Approved disposition groupings collapsed by default. Users can click into each grouping to see the underlying statuses. 
  • Added the ability in Unsolicited Applications to require applicants to add an Organization only by searching the IRS Database. Now, in Grantee Portal Settings under the properties of a Grantee Portal Intake Form, a dropdown field exists to select the method a grantee can enter an Organization into the intake form. The options under the Organization Entry field are: Enable IRS Database Search Only; Enable Organization Name Entry Only; Enable Both IRS Database Search and Organization Name Entry.
  • Added Organization ID as a searchable field when changing an Organization for a Request. Now, users can type an Organization's ID in the Organization Name field to search for an Organization. 
  • Added the ability to save incomplete contact roles within an "In Progress" intake form. 
  • Made Approval Date and Meeting Date fields available as read-only mapped fields in Reports and Submissions intake forms. 
  • Added additional spacing between fields in Super Docs to improve legibility. 
  • Updated the error message text that appears when a contact merge fails because one contact has multiple email addresses with the same "Email Type" value. The error message now directs the user to delete duplicate email type email addresses in order to successfully merge the contacts. 
  • Added "Code Type ID" field to Imported Code Types list view in Settings > Codes/Attributes. 
  • Added an editable pencil icon to indicate that on the Grantee Portal tab of a Request, users can click on the name of the intake form to change the form. 


  • Resolved a bug in which access to the Request Overview tab and the Payment Details modal was linked to an incorrect permission. This fix also appears in version
  • Corrected an issue with deleting an Organization record. 
  • Fixed an issue where categories within Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Assessment Groups appeared in the incorrect order. 
  • Fixed a bug with changing an assessment from an existing Assessment Group to a newly created one. 
  • Resolved a bug with users with Administrator roles in GivingData unable to access Request statuses in Settings. 
  • Corrected a problem with an Under Review Application. Prior to the fix, a Submit button appeared in the application despite it being under review and already submitted. 
  • Fixed a bug in which workflow tasks assigned to Secondary Staff show as Unassigned. 
  • Corrected an issue with an upcoming review due date notification. Prior to the fix, the notification was sent one day earlier than designed. 
  • Fixed a problem with Document IDs and Legacy System Document IDs not populating in a documents list view. 
  • Resolved a bug with displaying a Code Number in a list view. Prior to the fix, when adding a code as a column to a list view, the Code Number did not display after selecting "Coding Format: Specific Level" and "Coding Display: Code Number." Instead, the Code Name displayed in the list view. 
  • Fixed an error occurring when adding a Project Budget to a Request Detail page. 
  • Corrected a bug with the displayed date when changing a declination amount and date of a Request. Prior to the fix, in the modal to change the declination amount and date, the existing declination date did not appear by default. 
  • Resolved a problem with a "Set Requirement Complete" task completed action. Prior to the fix, when a user completed the task with the "Set Requirement Complete" command, they received a warning message stating that there was no requirement associated with the task. 
  • Fixed a bug with Super Docs and the Activity Stream. Prior to the fix, when a Super Doc was opened and closed without making changes, this was recorded as an activity in the Activity Stream. 
  • Corrected a problem with page scrolling logic when reviewing submitted intake forms. Prior to the fix, if a user scrolled to the bottom of a page of a submitted intake form, the next page they opened would already be scrolled to the bottom of the page. 
  • Fixed an issue with the "Select Contact Data to Collect" modal in the Grantee Portal. Prior to the fix, the modal displayed custom fields despite no contact custom fields existing in the system. 
  • Resolved an issue with renewing a request from the new Scenario Planning. Prior to the fix, changes to the renewable field did not take effect after saving. 
  • Fixed a bug with adding documents on the Portfolio Detail page. 
  • Corrected a bug with editing/removing a value from a Payment custom field (Data Type: Date; Field Type: Input). Prior to the fix, removing this date value did not save/take effect. 
  • Fixed an issue where users with Manage Public Dashboards permission couldn't edit public dashboards created by other users in the new Payments and Approvals Dashboards. 
  • Resolved an error occurring when clicking on a Payments Dashboard graph. 
  • Fixed an error occurring when adding text to the Request Note field for an existing idea in the new Scenario Planning.