Release Notes 4.7.2

This release contains improvements for reports and the Dockets and Portfolio Dashboards' criteria.


  • Added the ability to rearrange the order of Contact custom fields appearing to an applicant in the Grantee Portal.
  • Added the option to exclude Dockets or Portfolios without a status in the Dockets Dashboard and the Portfolios Dashboard criteria.
  • Updated display for the following standard reports: Pending Grants Without Payments, Approval Summary, Pending Summary, Staff Portfolio.


  • Re-added date to file name of files exported to Excel.
  • Resolved a bug with email notifications when batch adding workflows. Prior to the fix, the email notification sent to the GivingData user assigned to a task in the workflow did not contain content (such as text, logos, link to GivingData).
  • Corrected an error when renewing a Request from Scenario Planning.
  • Resolved a bug with adding a dropdown date contact custom field in Settings.
  • Fixed a bug occurring when responding to a comment in a submitted intake entry by following a link from an email notification.
  • Corrected an error occurring when accessing the Payments Year to Date report.
  • Resolved a bug with incorrect imported payment dates. Prior to the fix, the issue would occur when re-importing payments that were already set to Paid. The payment date would get changed in that scenario even though no change was necessary.
  • Corrected an issue with marking a Request grant term change as a grant term amendment.
  • Resolved a bug in which no email notifications were sent when a comment was added to a workflow.
  • Fixed a problem with the "Next Payment Account" merge field. Prior to the fix, when using the field in a Request Super Doc, the field did not pull in its data.
  • Fixed a bug in which the Staff Portfolio showed requests by calendar year (rather than fiscal year).