Release Notes 4.7.3

This release contains improvements for renewals, Scenario Planning, and the DocuSign integration.


  • Added Secondary Staff field to modal when adding a new idea in Scenario Planning. This field is not required.
  • Added Request Description as a field that copies over to a renewal record when creating a renewal record from an approved request.
  • Updated the Message field type in the DocuSign integration. Now the field can support more than 255 characters.


  • Fixed a bug occurring with a user sending an email directly from GivingData. Prior to the fix, some senders did not receive email replies from emails sent directly from GivingData. This fix has also been applied back to version and later.
  • Resolved an error occurring in certain situations when following an email link to an invited application. This change has been applied back to version and later.
  • Corrected a bug in which the incomplete workflows section did not load in the Workflows Dashboard.
  • Fixed a problem with exporting the Staff Portfolio report to Excel.
  • Resolved a bug with custom fields under Integer > Dropdown > Percentage Formatting not displaying properly in the Grantee Portal. Prior to the fix, the number displayed without the percent sign.
  • Resolved an error occurring when importing a report intake form with M&A fields. Prior to the fix, the error occurred when "No Value" was selected for an assessment and a report containing that assessment was imported into GivingData. With this fix, if a user selects "No Value" for an assessment, the system will try to clear the existing assessment answer if it exists. If an existing assessment answer does not exist, the system will do nothing.