Release Notes 5.0

Published April 11, 2022, this release contains improvements to batch emails, Dashboards, and Scenario Planning.

Known Issue

Please note that Microsoft is experiencing a bug, and therefore the Outlook add-in does not work on the Outlook desktop app for Macs in version 5.0. Please use the web version of Outlook on Macs instead until this issue is resolved.


  • The legacy Payments and Approvals Dashboards, Scenario Planning, and Budget Manager were removed from the site. The new versions of these features are available. 
  • Added the ability to link batch emails sent to the related contact record. Users can set an email subject and new role and contact default recipients for Batch Email Templates in Settings. These defaults can be changed when sending a batch email. 
    Clicking "Send Emails" in the Batch Email modal sends the emails and creates an Interaction (of the "Communication: Email" interaction type) on each related Contact record. 
    The text of the batch email is added to the Messages section of an Interaction on the Contact record. Recipients of the batch email are added as Participants on the Interaction. The Organization, Request, Payment, or Requirement where the batch email was initiated is added as a related record on the Interaction. 
  • Added an error/warning for users trying to delete a Payment Status from Settings when it is associated with a Workflow Template. 
  • Added a comma to the date in the Interaction Date field on a Document Properties modal. 


  • Resolved a bug occurring when adding additional fields to a Super Search list view column. Prior to the fix, the modal to add another field did not open after clicking "Add More Fields to this Column" in the manage menu. 
  • Fixed an error occurring when clicking on the Custom Fields tab of a Requirement Details modal. 
  • Corrected an error surfacing when removing a document's author in the Document Properties modal. Prior to the fix, the system surfaced an error when attempting to set the Author field back to "Unassigned" for a Docket Document. 
  • Resolved a display and spacing issue with text area custom fields on a Requirement record. 
  • Corrected an issue with links to entities in the Notifications modal not functioning. 
  • Resolved a problem when batch changing request status from a Request Super Search. Prior to the fix, the status did not actually update despite users receiving a notification that the batch process ran successfully. 
  • Corrected an issue with a custom field name displaying incorrectly in the Super Doc template editor. 
  • Fixed an intake form due date display issue. Prior to the fix, when editing an intake form's due date notification settings, the due date appeared as a negative number. 
  • Resolved an error occurring when exporting over 5,000 records from Super Search to Excel or as CSV. 
  • Corrected an error occurring after creating a new payments or approvals dashboard. 
  • Fixed an error surfacing when clicking on the Default Method of Payment field's edit pencil on a Request record. 
  • Resolved a bug with pulling in Organization > Compliance Status field into a Super Doc. 
  • Corrected a problem with negative numbers not displaying correctly in Super Search results list view. Prior to the fix, negative payments amounts surfaced in Super Search results were displaying incorrectly as positive numbers. 
  • Resolved a bug in Scenario Planning's display of Payments if a record has more than one year of payments and the Scenario Planning date range is set to only one year. Prior to the fix, in these conditions, only the one year of payments shows in the list of payments for a record in Scenario Planning. This fix was merged back to version 
  • Fixed a bug to allow the Payment Status "Hold" to appear on Payments & Approvals Dashboards. This fix was merged back to version 
  • Resolved a problem with the default dashboard not loading fully. Prior to the fix, the Payments Summary and Allocation Summary did not finish loading for a public payments dashboard set as the default dashboard. 
  • Corrected a bug with the Not Received bar not appearing in the Overdue section of the Requirements Dashboard. 
  • Fixed an error occurring when exporting to Excel. 
  • Corrected an error occurring when exporting certain reports to PDF from the Reporting Tool.
  • Fixed a display issue in the modal to mark requirements complete in batch. Prior to the fix, the avatar did not initially appear for the selected user in the "Completed By" field.  
  • Resolved a bug with filtering inactive dockets on the Dockets Dashboard. 
  • Fixed a bug with adding a new Review Portal user from Settings. 
  • Resolved an error occurring when generating a Super Doc containing a custom field with a null value. 
  • Corrected a navigation issue with the Pending Grants Without Payments Report. Prior to the fix, when a user navigated to a Request record from the Pending Grants Without Payment Report, no breadcrumb link back to the report appeared.
  • Fixed incorrect page title names. 
  • Resolved a bug with active codes displaying as inactive in an intake form. This fix was merged back to version 
  • Corrected an error surfacing when attempting to view a payments dashboard in the quarterly view. 
  • Fixed a problem with an active unsolicited application not appearing for a Grantee Portal user in the Portal. This fix was merged back to version
  • Corrected an error occurring when running a Bridger Insight watchlist check.
  • Fixed an error occurring when creating a Grantee Portal User from Settings. 
  • Resolved a Payments & Approvals dashboard and Scenario Planning display issue. Prior to the fix, when viewing a dashboard or Scenario Planning by Fiscal Year Range, when toggling to the other option (either to Scenario Planning or to dashboards), several years in the fiscal year rage disappeared from the Summary table. 
  • Corrected a problem with Add New Payment Email Template modal in Settings > Batch Email Templates. Prior to the fix, the modal allowed users to click Save without a required field (Recipient) being filled out. 
  • Fixed a bug with adding a contact to a role when setting up a batch email from a Super Search list view. Prior to the fix, after clicking "Assign a Contact to this Role", an error occurred if the user first selected a contact without an email address and then selected a contact with an email address. 
  • Fixed a display error in a Portfolio's Followers modal and its dropdown.
  • Fixed a problem with the Grantee Portal not saving data entered in fields. This fix was merged back to version 4.7.13, and therefore appears in that version and all versions going forward. 
  • Corrected a problem when adding a Request to the "Renewal Of" field on a Request record. Prior to the fix, an error appeared after searching for a Request in the modal and clicking Update. 
  • Resolved a display issue occurring with HTML Editor custom fields in the Grantee Portal. Prior to the fix, these fields did not display with HTML options. 
  • Fixed an issue with reference number generation not working when a Request is created. 
  • Corrected an issue with calculations between primary and secondary currencies displaying inaccurate data in the chart and table on a Request's Payments tab. 
  • Resolved a bug with the Years of Scheduled Payments dropdown for the Grant Commitments Schedule Report .
  • Fixed an issue with task changes being editable in a Workflow task's Task Details modal in the Activity area. After the fix, only comments are editable there. 
  • Resolved a display issue in the Add Task modal on a record's Workflows tab. Prior to the fix, the dropdown for the "Dependent on" field contained text that was not very legible.
  • Corrected an issue with a requirement task completed action. Prior to the fix, completing a task that should trigger a Task Completed Action did not prompt a modal to fulfill the Task Completed Action. 
  • Fixed a bug with certain custom fields displaying incorrectly in the Grantee Portal. Prior to the fix, custom fields with the Data Type "Decimal" and the Display Format "No Format" would display with currency formatting within the Grantee Portal. 
  • Resolved a bug in which an Upcoming due date notification for a submission intake form was sent after the intake form was due. 
  • Corrected an issue with certain interactions not appearing on the Grantee 360 timeline. Prior to the fix, when an email is sent from GivingData from a Request record, the interaction did not appear on Grantee 360. 
  • Fixed a bug occurring when clicking an Organization's name link in a Contact Detail modal. Prior to the fix, the modal did not close as expected, but the page behind the modal did navigate to the Organization record. 
  • Fixed a bug with Requirement with a scheduled date of yesterday not appearing on the Requirement Dashboard's Overdue page. 
  • Corrected an error occurring when editing contact fields in an intake form in the Grantee Portal. 
  • Resolved an issue with navigating between the Staff Portfolio Report and a Request record. Prior to the fix, after navigating to a Request from the Staff Portfolio Report, the user cannot navigate back to the Request because the breadcrumb link is missing. 
  • Corrected a display problem when switching between Monthly or Quarterly View back to the Yearly View of Payments & Approvals Dashboards. Prior to the fix, the chart did not display correctly. 
  • Fixed a bug with charts within the monthly and quarterly views of Payments & Approvals Dashboards. Prior to the fix, the bug occurred when a status is hidden from the view. 
  • Corrected a problem with the color picker when editing a Payment Status in Settings. 
  • Resolved a bug with unsolicited application Campaign pages not loading in the Grantee Portal when a user is not authenticated. 
  • Corrected an issue occurring with the Docket Description field. 
  • Fixed a bug with the value for "Average Reviewer Overall Rating" not populating in the list view on the In Review tab of the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard. 
  • Resolved a problem where text area custom fields displayed incorrect values.