Release Notes 5.0.12

Release 5.0.12, set to be deployed on November 12, includes the ability to batch create requests from Unsolicited Applications, edit intake entries from the Intake Forms Dashboard, and other improvements and fixes.

New Features

Batch Creating Requests from Unsolicited Applications

In version 5.0.12, we have introduced a new feature that allows you to batch create requests from Unsolicited Applications, making the intake process more efficient. To enable this feature, please contact your CSM. 

The Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard now offers a new feature called Batch Edit mode, which allows users to batch create requests from Unsolicited Applications. This includes a new batch Import Data action, which can be accessed through the dashboard's list mode options. Users can easily toggle between View and Batch Edit modes to manage their requests efficiently.

List mode is a feature that is available to users who have permission to batch edit or delete intake entries. This mode can be accessed for any intake form type, regardless of its status.

To choose a batch edit action such as Import Data, navigate to the Batch Edit menu and click on the dropdown. The option to Import Data will be visible in the menu for any intake form type that is in the Submitted status.

Batch editing is only available when you are viewing one intake form type. If you are viewing all intake form types on the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard, the list mode options will be inactive and you will see a tooltip with helpful information.

Additionally, if you click on a different status while in Batch Edit mode, the list mode will automatically switch back to the default View mode.

To initiate the batch import data process, simply select "Import Data" from the drop-down menu and click the "Go" button.

Assigning Applications to Organizations and Requests
If, after selecting the Import Data option, there are unsolicited applications that have not been assigned to organizations, a modal will appear displaying the number of applications that are unassigned. In this modal, users will have the choice to either assign these applications to organizations or continue without assigning them.

By selecting Continue without Assigning, you can open the Batch Import Data modal and exclude the unassigned applications from the batch process.

When you click on the Assign to Organizations button, it will open the Assign to Organizations modal which includes the unassigned applications.

If all selected unsolicited applications are already assigned to organizations and requests, the Batch Import Data modal opens immediately.

Importing Data
When all applications in the Assign to Organizations modal have been assigned, users can click on the Continue to Import Data button. Clicking the button opens the Batch Import Data modal, and which will include all the applications selected in the batch on the dashboard.

In the Batch Import Data modal, you will find a summary of the fields on each application that are assigned to specific import rules. By hovering over the number of fields, you can see a breakdown of which fields are included in each category.

If any unsolicited applications that you select are not assigned to requests, an alert will appear. You have the option to exclude these unassigned applications from importing by checking a box. If the box remains unchecked, the data will be imported, and new requests will be created for those applications based on the default request properties of the campaign.

When you click the save button, the system starts processing the batch edit and data import. A blue message will appear on the left side of your screen to let you know that the import is in progress. Once the import is completed, another message will appear to notify you that the import has been processed successfully.

If certain fields are not automatically imported due to their import rules, the status of the application will be changed to Partially Imported. To complete the data import, users can click on the three-dot button next to the application name in the Partially Imported tab of the dashboard and select "Import Data" from the menu.

Once the data import is finished, a blue message will appear on the side of the page to indicate its completion. Additionally, the status of the application will automatically change to "Imported" once all the data and fields have been successfully imported from the application.


The number of requests created is shown in the Notifications section, if applicable.

When the status of any applications is changed to Imported, a link will appear in the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard Import tab. Similarly, if the status is changed to Partially Imported, a link to the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard Import tab will be displayed.

If an intake entry does not have any fields set to automatically import, it will not be imported through the batch process. In this case, the intake entry will be listed separately.


The ability to create requests in batches from Unsolicited Applications is controlled by the new Batch Edit Intake Entries permission. This permission determines if users can perform any batch editing action on the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard, with the exception of batch deleting intake entries.

Batch Editing Intake Entries from the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard

You can now batch edit intake entries in the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard with the new feature introduced in Version 5.0.12. This feature allows you to easily change the status of multiple intake entries, deactivate entries, or delete entries in bulk. However, please note that this feature needs to be activated by your Customer Success Manager (CSM). 

To utilize the batch editing feature for intake entries on the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard, simply activate the new Batch Edit mode found in the list mode options. Once in Batch Edit mode, click on the Batch Edit dropdown menu to select the desired action, and then click Go to apply the action to multiple entries at once.

The actions displayed in the batch edit menu depend on the user’s permissions.

The users' ability to batch edit intake entries is controlled by two new batch permissions. The Batch Edit Intake Entries permission determines whether users can perform any batch edit action on the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard, with the exception of batch deleting intake entries. When batch editing, users with this permission can change the status of intake entries, deactivate entries, and import data. On the other hand, the Batch Delete Intake Entries permission determines whether users can batch delete intake entries from the dashboard.

Using Batch Edit Actions

Change Intake Entry Status
When a user chooses to Change Intake Entry Status, a window will open displaying the number of applications that will be impacted. The available statuses in the menu are determined by the rules associated with the current status and the possible statuses it can transition to.

Users cannot select the "In External Review" status from the menu when changing the status in batch. Therefore, they need to manually move the intake entries to this status.

If Accepted or Not Accepted is selected as the status, the Intake Entry Completed Date field displays. Users can then choose the date. 


When a user selects Deactivate Intake Entry from the batch action menu, a modal opens with a warning that deactivating the unsolicited applications will make them unavailable in the Grantee Portal. The warning also states that all application data, including responses entered by Grantee Portal Users, will be retained. 

In this modal, users have the option to notify invited Grantee Portal Users that the application is no longer available. There is no default selection here.

If yes is selected, the CC, BCC, Subject, and Message fields display and can be customized. The Subject is pre-populated but can be changed. 


When a user selects Delete Intake Entry from the batch action menu, a modal opens with an alert warning users that upon deleting an intake entry, all application data will be deleted, including responses entered by Grantee Portal Users.

Users must type DELETE to confirm they want to delete. 

Just as in the deactivation modal, users have the option to notify invited Grantee Portal Users that the application is no longer available. There is no default selection here.  If yes is selected, the CC, BCC, Subject, and Message fields display and can be customized. The Subject is pre-populated but can be changed.

Batch Edit Completion

When a batch edit completes, a message displays at the top right corner of the page, letting the user know the change made for the number of applications. 

A notification also appears in the notification area and in the notification modal. 

The dashboard chart and list view also updates to reflect the changes without reloading the page.

Including Deactivated Applications in the Dashboard
To include deactivated applications on the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard, users can check the “Include Deactivated” Checkbox in the dashboard's criteria modal. This displays deactivated intake entries in their own tab on the dashboard. Users can hover over the tooltip for an explanation. 

The Deactivated tab will then appear on the dashboard and in the criteria area above, it shows that deactivated intake entries are included. 

In the Deactivated tab, the only batch edit action available is delete intake entry.

When in the deactivated tab, in the Manage button menu, there is now an option to reactivate an intake entry.

The deactivate/delete option is renamed to delete, and the modal will open in delete mode. 

When users open the intake entry details modal for a deactivated intake entry, commenting is disabled. 


  • The names of existing batch editing permissions have been updated to clarify that they refer to batch actions. 
  • Added the users who created and last made changes to a Payments & Approvals Dashboard at the top right corner of the page. 


  • Fixed an issue with followers added to an Unsolicited Application in the Grantee Portal tab of a request disappearing after refreshing the page.
  • Fixed an error occurring in certain situations when a Grantee Portal User filled out an intake form with codes with track percentages turned on.