Release Notes 5.0.15

Release 5.0.15, scheduled for deployment on January 20, includes user interface accessibility improvements, editing code percentage tracking, and other improvements and fixes.


User Interface Accessibility and Legibility

  • The site sidebar in GivingData has been updated to improve accessibility and legibility. Full-page sidebars, such as those on the Request Detail, Organization Detail, Payments & Approvals Dashboards, and Settings, now have a white background color to provide better contrast. However, the sidebar color remains the same in the Portal and in modals like the Contact Details modal.
  • To enhance accessibility, the site has made slight adjustments to darken certain elements. These changes have been made to improve contrast and make it easier for users to navigate and interact with the site.
  • Vertical gridlines have been introduced to enhance the visual presentation of the Payments and Approvals Summaries and the Allocation Summary on the Payments & Approvals Dashboards. It is important to note that this improvement is specific to the dashboard view and does not apply to the Scenario Planning view.

Editing Percentage Tracking on Code Types

Users of GivingData now have the added functionality to edit the percentage tracking on code types. In the past, this task had to be completed by GivingData developers, but now users with the appropriate permissions can make these changes themselves. This enhancement allows for greater flexibility and control within the GivingData platform.

If you are interested in granting this permission to certain roles, please reach out to your CSM.

Percentage tracking is now editable in the Codes/Attributes area of Settings.

Users who have the ability to create code types can now choose between "Yes" or "No" when creating a new code type. To edit the percentage tracking for an existing code type, simply click on the code type and then select "Manage." Additionally, users who can edit code types can select "Yes" if the current selection is "No" when modifying an existing code type.

Users now have the ability to control the "Disable Code Percentage Tracking" permission, which determines whether they can select "No" when editing an existing code type that currently has "Yes" selected. When a user chooses to switch the percentage tracking setting to "No" and saves the changes, a confirmation modal will appear.

When you switch the setting to "No," there are important changes that will occur:

1. All previously assigned percentages for the code type will be deleted.

2. The code with the highest percentage will become the primary code, and any additional codes will be considered secondary codes.

3. Please note that this change cannot be undone, so make sure you consider the implications before proceeding.

The modal also prompts users to confirm that they want to disable percentage tracking by typing DISABLE. 

Other Improvements

  • An alert has been added to the Grantee Portal codes admin area to provide an explanation for why certain codes are marked as inactive and the implications of this status. The alert text clarifies that when an admin removes a code that has already been selected in a Grantee Portal Intake Entry response, the code is not deleted but rather marked as inactive.
  • These inactive codes will be hidden in Grantee Portal Intake Entries where they have not already been selected. This helps to ensure that only relevant and active codes are displayed to users in the Grantee Portal.

  • The functionality of the Request.Amendment_ApprovalDate has been fixed. Now, the Amendment Approval Date merge field accurately retrieves the Approval Date from the most recently approved Amendment, regardless of the type of amendment.
  • A new merge field called Request.Amendment_NewApprovalDate has been introduced. This merge field retrieves the approval date of the amended or new request from the most recently approved amendment of either "Approval Amount" or "Approval Amount and Grant Period" type.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • An issue was resolved where the Review Comparison's Final Review Panel in the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard was displaying an excessive number of results. This bug has been fixed, and now the Final Review Panel accurately shows the appropriate number of results.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing an error when attempting to attach a document template to a Request record.