Release Notes 5.0.2

Published August 22, 2022, this version contains improvements for Scenario Planning, the Grantee Portal, and the External Reviewer Portal.


  • Updated Scenario Planning to allow more records to be viewed at once by streamlining the view.
    • For example, only 2 additional fields appear in the new Additional Fields column at any given time, preventing a long list of fields from expanding each row. Uses can now mouse over a "+2" badge to display any more than 2 fields in a pop-up. Scenario Planning lists can be sorted by any of the Additional Fields added.
    • Additionally, clicking on a row in Scenario Planning now opens a modal where all aspects of the idea can be edited. This takes the place of individual editing options in the prior version of Scenario Planning. Within this modal, users can navigate to the previous or next idea with arrows at the top of the modal. Payments can also be managed from this modal.
    • In the main Scenario Planning list view, if a Planning Request has an unscheduled amount, the grant amount is displayed in red and underlined, and the unscheduled amount is displayed in a tooltip.
    • Clicking the lightbulb icon in the Exclude column includes/excludes the idea from the Scenario Planning totals. The icon style is solid when excluded, and regular when included.
    • Only the Notes field is editable in the Pending list. These can be edited by clicking the Notes icon.
    • Only the Notes and Renewable fields are editable in the Approved list. If a Request is Already Renewed, an icon and tooltip appear to indicate this. Clicking the Renewable/Not Renewable field opens the existing modal to edit the renewable field. 
  • Updated the Grant Commitments Report with a new column "Amended YTD" for any funds that have been returned or added to a grant. Amended YTD is calculated as the difference between the original grant amount and the new amended value.
    • Users can now also choose the order of the columns within the report by clicking and dragging the column names under Report Options.
    • Added a Grand Total row to the report to sum up any calculated columns. 
  • Enabled Portal comments for intake entries in the Received status. This allows users to now comment on intake entries with an In Progress, Received, or Submitted status. 
  • Added the Overall Rating for each external review in the External Reviewer Portal. This value appears in the new Your Score column in the list view, and it displays the overall rating value for the review out of the maximum value in the Overall Rating Scale set in the Reviewer Portal Settings area. This column can be seen both in the "Reviews to Complete" and "Completed Reviews" views of the Portal. 
  • Improved the display of percentage coding in a list view when viewing a specific level of the code. When a request or payment has Primary and Secondary code selections within a code type that has multiple levels, users can choose to display a specific level of the code within the list view column. If the Primary and Secondary code selections share the same code at the level selected to display within the column, then the percentage values will show as combined within the list view. For example, a request with the Program Area code assignments Education>Arts (50%) and Education>Science (50%) will now display as Education (100%) when displaying Level 1 of the code.
  • Added two new notification types for interactions created or updated from the Outlook add-in. The notification options for these events allow users to select "Notify me in GivingData," and the "Send Me an Email" checkbox is now hidden. 
  • Added a request's Description field as an option within Default Renewal Data in Settings > Requests > Renewals. Users can now choose whether this Description field is included when creating a renewal record. 
  • Updated fonts in GivingData and improved selected icons. 
  • Updated deletion warning when deleting a request or another entity associated with an intake form. The text now warns the user that the associated intake form will be deleted along with the entity. 
  • Added improved messaging when deleting a code from entities. The deletion modal now includes information about how many entities of which types will be affected by the deletion. Users also now have to type "DELETE" to confirm the code deletion to prevent any inadvertent deletions.
  • Added validation to prevent users from deleting a code if the code type is set to track percentages and if the code is associated with any entities. Here, messaging now advises users to mark the code inactive instead to prevent percentage allocation issues.
  • Added a DELETE confirmation input to code type deletion modals to prevent inadvertent deletions. 
  • Added a merge field for the field "Percentage of Project Budget." This field is available to be manually added in Word with <<Request.PercentProjectBudget>>. 
  • Added merge fields for the Request field "Track Expenditure Responsibility" and for the Organization fields "Total Payments for the Organization's Current Fiscal Year" and "Percentage of Budget" (the latter is for total payments in the Organization's current fiscal year). These merge fields can be added to document templates by manually inserting them in Word with the following text: 
  • Added an error message for when a user could not be authenticated with the DocuSign integration. The error message now reads: ""Could not authenticate user. Check to ensure that the Client Id is correct, the user exists/has permission to access the account with this Client Id, and that the API Base Url is correct."

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where hiding a payment status from Payments & Approvals Dashboards Summary did not update the Balance total. 
  • Fixed an issue with Payments & Approvals Dashboards loading slowly. 
  • Corrected a bug in which batch emails were occasionally sent to the wrong recipient. This bug fix was merged back to version 
  • Resolved an issue with Bridger Insight watchlist check notifications not appearing in GivingData. This fix was merged back to version 
  • Corrected a bug with downloading an attached published document from an intake form. Prior to the fix, the document downloaded without a file extension. This fix was merged back to version
  • Fixed a bug with empty fields occasionally auto-saving as answers in Grantee Portal intake forms. This fix was merged back to version
  • Resolved an issue with counting code selections in an intake form, leading to an error sometimes occurring when adding values for a required code field. This fix was merged back to version 
  • Fixed a bug with grantees being able to quickly select multiple codes (beyond the maximum allowed) while an answer was auto-saving. This fix was merged back to version 
  • Resolved an issue with values in the Disposition column of a Request Super Search list view not populating. 

Other Bug Fixes

  • Corrected a bug where on a Payments or Approvals Dashboard, the Allocation Summary subtotal (when viewed by Number of Records) double counted the records. 
  • Fixed an issue where toggling off Request Statuses in Payments or Approvals Dashboards did not result in these amounts being removed from Subtotals. 
  • Corrected a bug in Scenario Planning with subcoding percentages totaling to 100% of the higher level code. Prior to the fix, when entering an Idea on a dashboard that has Request Coding set for Program Area, if the idea/Request was created for $30,000 (for example), setting the subcodes' amounts as $20,000 and $10,000 led to a message stating "Percentages must add up to 100."
  • Corrected a problem where inactive codes appeared when adding an idea in Scenario Planning. 
  • Fixed a bug occurring when adding a code assignment rule. Prior to the fix, if a top level code was selected when setting up a rule, not all of the sub codes are included by default. 
  • Resolved an issue with displaying the correct Original Approved Amount in the Budget Manager after editing a budget line item. Prior to the fix, when updating the Amount Allocated for a line item, the Original Allocated Amount showed as an updated value in the pop-up despite the user selecting "No" to the question "Do you want to update the original amount allocated?" in the modal. 
  • Corrected an issue with sorting on Payment > Request > [any code type] in a Payments Super Search list view. 
  • Resolved a problem where Workflows unassociated with Workflow Templates were not appearing on the Workflows Dashboard. 
  • Corrected a problem where tasks with a due date of the current date appear in My Tasks under Upcoming rather than Due Today.
  • Corrected a bug occurring in the Response Comparison tab of the Grantee Portal Intake Form Dashboard. Prior to the fix, for each Intake Entry Field column added to the list view, an error appeared and the data in the column did not populated once the list view was exported to Excel.
  • Resolved an error occurring when running reports in the Reports Tool. 
  • Corrected a bug where a follower assigned to an interaction did not receive a notification within GivingData. 
  • Fixed an issue with an inactive code still appearing in an intake form as an editable code option. 
  • Resolved a problem with links to Organization Website mapped field in intake forms. Prior to the fix, the field did not display in the intake form as a clickable URL. 
  • Resolved an issue with certain Report intake forms not appearing for grantees after the form's Open Date and Time had passed. 
  • Fixed an issue with conditionally displayed intake form pages being skipped when navigating an intake form. 
  • Resolved a problem with changing a due date on an intake form. 
  • Resolved a problem when trying to delete or deactivate a Grantee Portal Application from a Request. 
  • Fixed a bug with Request > Disposition not appearing in the "Select Request Columns" modal when adding columns to a Super Search list view. 
  • Resolved a site timeout issue. 
  • Corrected an error occurring when deleting an idea or Request in certain situations. 
  • Fixed a bug in which a Request link in a notification was not clickable. 
  • Corrected an error occurring when rearranging declination reasons in Settings.