Release Notes 5.0.6

Released beginning April 14, 2023, this release covers improvements to the Multi-Currency feature, document linking, and the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard.


  • Added the ability to change the primary/root currency set within GivingData. The primary currency can only be changed by GivingData team members, so reach out to your Implementation Manager or your Client Success Manager if you are interested in changing it. 

    Please note that if your site is already using the Multi-Currency feature, manual changes will need to take place on the back end before you can use this new functionality. Please contact your Client Success Manager or Implementation Manager for more details.

    The currencies currently available as a primary currency are: Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Great British Pound, Euro, New Zealand Dollar, US Dollar.
  • Added the ability to change the currency on a Planning or Pending Request when Multi-Currency is enabled. After clicking the pencil icon next to the Currency field on a Request, users can now edit the Request's currency. Options include the Primary (Root) Currency and all active Secondary Currencies already configured in Settings > Multi-Currency.
    When a different currency is selected, the modal displays the list of fields that will be updated. Users can also edit the exchange rate date (by default, it is set to today's date).
  • Added OneDrive as a Document linking option. Now users can link documents stored in OneDrive to a GivingData record. Once linked to GivingData, users can open and edit these documents directly from the system.

    Please contact your GivingData Client Success Manager if you are interested in adding document linking to your site. Setup is fairly quick and does not require IT involvement from your organization.
  • Added differentiation between Active and Inactive intake forms in the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard. After selecting an intake form type to view in the Dashboard, users can click a checkbox to also view inactive intake forms in the list of forms. Inactive intake forms appear in italics.
    Inactive intake forms are also differentiated from active ones when selecting the Dashboard criteria. In the criteria modal, the Intake Form field dropdown displays inactive intake forms in their own section.
  • Updated the batch Request approval process to automatically set the Grant Fiscal Year for each Request approved. 
  • Made the Last Name field required when creating or editing a User of any type (GivingData or a Portal User).

Notable Fixes

  • Resolved an issue with grantees uploading documents to the Grantee Portal. This fix was merged back to version
  • Fixed a variety of formatting issues occurring when printing or saving as PDF. Issues were fixed for Super Docs, Reports, imported applications, Tax Status Verification, Super Search list views, and the Requirements tab on a Request record. 
  • Resolved a bug with the reference number for batch approved requests. Prior to the fix, the reference number was set as the same value for all requests approved in a batch edit. This fix was merged back into version
  • Fixed a display discrepancy on the Grantee Portal Intake Form Dashboard. Prior to the fix, the bar chart at the top of the dashboard and the list at the bottom of the dashboard did not list the intake form statuses in the same order. This fix was merged back to version
  • Corrected a bug where links in the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard could not be opened in a new tab. This fix was merged back to version

Other Fixes

  • Corrected an issue where the Review Comparison section appeared on the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard when the External Reviewer Portal was not enabled on the site. This fix was merged back to version