Release Notes 5.1.5

Release 5.1.5, scheduled for deployment on June 15th, includes two feature enhancements, various site improvements, and a notable bug fix.

New Features

New View for Percentage by Budget and Percentage by Total on the Allocation Summary on Payments & Approvals Dashboards

Within the Allocation Summary of a Payment or Approvals Dashboard, you can now view the data by Percentage by Budget and Percentage by Total. To display the Percentage by Budget, ensure that your dashboard is viewed by your Budget Code and that your Budget Manager is filled in. Please note that the percentages are rounded to 2 decimal places.



Enhanced Process for Removing a Primary Contact from a Record

If a Contact is a Primary Contact at an Organization or Request record and that Contact’s “Status at The Organization” is updated from “Active” to “Inactive,” a new micro-process will allow users to conveniently select a new Organization and Request Primary Contact to replace the inactive user on these records. This process will also walk the user through adding end dates for the inactive Contact for the associated records. Please see this article for more information on removing and reassigning a Primary Contact. 


  • Grantee Portal - Updated Grantee Portal UI: The Grantee Portal has an updated user interface to maintain consistency and improve accessibility. These changes do not contain changes in functionality but are visual improvements to the user interface. Changes to the UI include: Select Portal page, Create/Reset Password page, Forgot Password page, Login page, Select Organization page, Organization Details page, Grantee Portal Home page, Active Applications page, Active Grants page, Declined applications, Closed grants.
  • Add Interaction Modal - Updated UI: Various updates have been made to the user interface of the modal to add Interactions to maintain consistency throughout the site. Various UI updates include: Date selector, Notes field formatting options, Contact assignment, Add new Contact button, interaction modal footer button updated from “Close” to “Cancel.”
  • Charity Status Verification - Updated Message for not found in IRS Publication 78: A new Charity Status result of “Not Found” will display if the EIN number is valid, but the EIN has not ever been included on a Pub78 file from the IRS.

Notable Bug Fixes

With every new release, we address bug fixes that may affect your user experience. If you have any questions or concerns about bugs, contact our support team for assistance.

  • A bug affecting the Payments Dashboard calculated totals when the “View Allocations By” section was set to a different Code Type than the “View Dashboard By” value has been resolved.