Release Notes 5.1.6

Release 5.1.6, scheduled for deployment on July 6th, includes various site improvements and three notable bug fixes.


  • Grantee Portal - Organization Title Text Wrapping: Grantee Portal Users who are associated with multiple organizations have a page upon log-in to select the organization they wish to view details for. The titles of these organizations will not be cut off for organizations with longer titles, the text will now wrap to the next line and expand the box size of the button.
  • Grantee Portal - Organization Ordering is Alphabetical by Organization Name: Grantee Portal Users who are associated with multiple organizations have a page upon log-in to select the organization they wish to view details for. The organizations will be ordered on the page in alphabetical order by the name of the organization.
  • Grantee Portal - Active and Closed Grant Details: The Grantee Portal Active and Close Grant Details pages have an updated user interface to maintain consistency and improve accessibility. These changes do not contain changes in functionality, but are visual improvements to the user interface. Changes to the UI include: modifying the background color to be white, updated Status icons and alignment of the Request Title with the Grant Start Date, End Date, Term and Program Officer.
  • Interactions - Send Email Modal: A new option to select recipients from all staff users when sending an email via Interactions. On Request and Requirement Interactions, the terminology has changed on the email Recipients selection drop down from “Staff” to “Suggested Staff” for the section featuring the Primary and Secondary Staff members.

Notable Bug Fixes

With every new release, we address bug fixes that may affect your user experience. If you have any queries or concerns about bugs, feel free to contact our support team for assistance.

  • A bug truncating the Grantee Portal Title and logo, preventing it from displaying fully, has been fixed.
  • A bug that required a Grantee Portal User with only one portal account to select the portal after logging in has been fixed. Users with only one portal account will now be brought into that portal after log-in.
  • A bug that produced an error when exporting data to excel from GivingData has been fixed.