Learn how to send batch emails from a Super Search results set. Batch email functionality is available for Pro and Enterprise clients.
Note: Prior to sending batch emails, contact roles and batch email templates must be created in Settings.
Batch Emails
Batch emails are sent from the results set of a Super Search query. Navigate to Super Search and create a search to surface the needed information.
As an example, a foundation may want to send an email to the primary contact for all the grants approved at the previous board meeting. In this case, Super Search criteria should be set to include all requests approved on a certain date.
The user should set the Super Search criteria.
From the search results page, switch to “Batch Edit” mode and select “Send Email.”
The user will select the email template, and the rest of the email properties will populate based on the email template values. The user may make changes at this time, but these changes will not update the template.
The user will be able to preview the individual emails and be alerted to any issues.
The system will allow the user to preview the emails and make any necessary changes before they are sent.
Note: emails will not be sent to requests lacking an active contact assigned to the Request Primary Contact role.