Setting Up the Adobe Sign Integration

The Adobe Sign integration is typically set up by foundation IT staff.

This guide assumes that an Adobe Sign account with an Enterprise-level subscription has already been created.

Please note that if the DocuSign integration is enabled on a site, it must be turned off before turning on and configuring Adobe Sign.

It is essential to complete the following steps and sections in the order below. 

Configuring API Access in Adobe Sign

    1. Log in to Adobe Sign as the administrator (generally the creator of the account).
    2. Navigate to Account > Adobe Sign API > API Applications.
    3. Click Create button
    4. Fill out the form with the following information, and click Save:

      - Name: GivingData

      - Display Name: GivingData

      - Domain: Customer
      • After the API application is added, click the new row added to the table, and click the “Configure OAuth for Application” link that appears above.
      • Enter the Redirect URI as the URL of the GivingData site to integrate with (i.e. https://[yourGivingDataSubdomain]
      • In the “Enabled Scopes” section, check the box to enable all of the following scopes with a Modifier of “self”:

        - agreement_read

        - agreement_write

        - library_read
      • Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret at the top of the modal. They will be used in the next section.

    Configuring Adobe Sign in GivingData

    Then, a GivingData team member will configure Adobe Sign in GivingData. Once this step is complete, a foundation IT staff member will complete the following section of configuring the Adobe Sign webhook:

    Configuring the Adobe Sign Webhook

    1. Log in to Adobe Sign as the administrator (generally the creator of the account).
    2. Navigate to Account > Webhooks.
    3. Click Create button
    4. Fill out the form with the following information, and click Save:

      - Name: Update Agreement in GivingData

      - Scope: Account

      - Url: https://[clientId]

      - Events: Agreement > Agreement participant completed; Agreement > Agreement workflow completed

      - Notification Parameters: Agreement Participant Info, Agreement Signed Document