Starred Documents

Users can star important documents to make them easily accessible.

Starring a Document

Navigate to the document, and click the star icon next to the document title.

Click the star, and it will become solid blue. The document will now appear above the full documents list in the “Starred Documents” section of a record. 

To remove a document from the Starred Documents section, click the star icon again.

Viewing “More Starred Documents”

On every documents page, users will also see a More Starred Documents tab. This is a list of documents that were starred on related records.  

When on an organization documents tab, More Starred Documents will show all the documents that have been starred on requests associated with that organization, or starred documents on interactions assigned to that organization.

On a request record’s More Starred Documents, users will see the documents starred on the organization record that request is assigned to, as well as any starred documents on interactions assigned to that request.