Updates to the Grantee Portal with Versions 4.7.0+

Learn how grantees will experience logging in to the Grantee Portal starting with version 4.7.0 and its updated framework for user authentication.


Versions 4.7.0 and later provide an updated framework for user authentication across all GivingData installations. 

With the release of version 4.7.0, all grantee contacts working with US-based foundations will have just one password associated with their username (email) for logging in to all GivingData Grantee Portals

Most grantees will experience minimal to no changes in their login experience. 

In certain scenarios, grantees might experience new behavior, detailed below. 

Please note that help text to clarify this process for grantees/applicants will appear on the login page starting with version 4.7.4.


The following situations could change the login experience for Grantee Portal users upon logging in or registering their account for the first time:

Scenario 1: When Enabling a New Portal Account for a Grantee who has used GivingData as a Grantee before

When enabling a new Grantee Portal account, if that contact is already a registered portal user with another GivingData client, then the link in their portal activation email will take them directly to the sign in page. The system will not prompt the user to activate an account for your specific site/portal. 

To log in, the grantee/applicant should use their existing GivingData Grantee Portal username and password. By logging in, they will now be registered in your organization’s Grantee Portal (specified by the foundation’s Grantee Portal URL). Once logged in, the grantee/applicant’s experience has not changed since the version update; users will not have to select a specific portal site. 

Scenario 2: A Grantee Doesn’t Remember their Portal Account Details

If a registered grantee’s password is not working or if they are unsure whether they have an existing GivingData portal account.


We recommend that the registered grantee/applicant reset their password using the “Forgot your password” link on the sign in page (see screenshot below). This allows the grantee/applicant to reset their password across all of the GivingData Grantee Portals with which they are registered. 

Scenario 3: A Grantee Portal User was Invited to the Grantee Portal before 4.7.0 Upgrade and Did Not Complete Registration and Set Password Prior to the Site’s Upgrade 

This scenario would only occur for users invited to the Grantee Portal within the past 30 days since Grantee  Portal invitations expire after 30 days. Users who did not set a password before the upgrade or complete their new user registration either before or after the upgrade will show as “Unregistered” in any GivingData site that they did not set a password in, even if they set a password in another GivingData site. These users are listed as “Unregistered” in the Contact Details modal.

If these users use the password reset functionality and successfully set a password, they will still receive an error message on the Portal saying “You are not authorized to access this resource.”


If this were to occur, the remedy is to re-invite the person to the Grantee Portal from the Contact Details modal in GivingData. This will send a new registration email to the applicant/grantee, thus re-initiating the registration process for the user. 

Scenario 4: If Grantee Portal Users had Registered Portal Accounts with Different Passwords in Multiple GivingData  Portals Prior to the Upgrade 

If a grantee has had different passwords in different GivingData systems prior to the site’s upgrade to version 4.7.0, they may have trouble logging in. Logging in, whether it's through a new portal or a portal they're already registered for, will prompt the user with the message "You must reset your password to log in with the account: [email]". 


In this case, registered users need to reset their password to resolve the issue. To do so, they should click “Forgot your password?” on the login page. If the Grantee Portal user is still showing as “Unregistered” within the GivingData site, they will need to be re-invited to the portal.

Scenario 5: If a Grantee Portal User is Registered with US-based GivingData Sites and EU- or UK-based GivingData Sites 

If a grantee portal user has GivingData portal accounts with US-based foundations and foundations based in the EU or the UK, they will still have different passwords based on the continental location of the foundation, not the location of the grantee.  


Registered Grantee Portal users need to be aware of where the foundations they have portal accounts with are based and need to keep a record of these passwords. Users needing portal accounts with foundations in both continents will need to register for the Grantee Portal once per continent.  

Scenario 6: If a Grantee Portal User has Portal Accounts in different GivingData sites with Different Usernames (Emails)

If a Grantee Portal user has different usernames (emails) across GivingData sites, then these accounts will continue to have different passwords, as there is no way for the updated GivingData site to associate these accounts. 


These Grantee Portal users will continue to operate as they did prior to the 4.7.0 upgrade as long as they are not using the same usernames (emails) across different sites.