Using the Payment Import Tool

Learn how to use the Payment Import tool to update multiple payments in GivingData with relevant information from an external accounting system.

Required Permissions

In order to import payments, a user must belong to a user role with permission to batch-edit payments. Additionally, the user must have at least one other permission within the Admin Tools & Settings Permissions section. 
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Navigating to the Payment Import Tool  

Click on the gear icon within the Quick Navigation Menu to access Admin Tools & Settings.

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Select “Payment Import” from the Data Import section.

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Note: The Settings area may look different from this image depending on your user permissions and GivingData subscription.

Importing Payment Data

On the Payment Import page, click “Import Payment Data”.

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In the modal that appears, click “Select File” or drag and drop the file that contains the payment information provided by the accounting system. Then click “Next.”

Note:  Payment Import files must be in .csv format

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A preview screen will appear so the user can verify that the data from the .csv file appropriately align with the template set up in GivingData.  If any errors are spotted, the user can click “Cancel” to end the process.  Otherwise, select “Update Payments”.

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A notification will appear for the user informing them that GivingData is processing the payment import.

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When the import is complete, the user will receive a notification in their GivingData inbox.  The notification will inform how many of the payments were successfully updated.  If any payments were not updated, the notification will specifically list which payments did not update.

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Successfully updated payments will contain the data points included in the .csv file used for import, and the payment statuses will be updated to “Paid.”