Creating Data Visualizations with Chart View

Learn how to create Comparison and Trend charts using Chart View, a feature available through Super Search.

This feature is available with all GivingData subscription tiers.


How are Primary and Secondary coding assignments reflected within a comparison chart?

When creating a comparison chart, users can choose to group records in the chart (i.e. Requests, Payments, etc.) by a code type. If the chart will be grouping records by a code type, consider if that code type tracks percentages.

If the code type does not track percentages

If the code type does not track percentages but allows for more than 1 max instance of the code type, you may have records with Primary and Secondary coding assignments.

For example, you might have a request that has Education as its primary program area code selection, and Arts as its secondary code selection (shown below).

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In this situation, the Chart View comparison chart will reflect the record's full value (such as Request Recommended Amount) by its Primary code assignment. Secondary code assignments will not be reflected within the chart. 

This means that when creating a request comparison chart grouped by the Program Area code, only the Education code would display in the chart.

If the code type does track percentages

If the code type does track percentages, values shown in the chart view do reflect those percentages. 

In the example above, if 80% of the request was allocated to Education and 20% was allocated to Arts & Culture, those percentage allocations would be applied to the data shown in the chart.