How to Create and Save Charts using Chart View

Chart View is a powerful data visualization tool that gives grantmakers the ability to create custom graphs to analyze their data, generate insights, make decisions, and tell the story of their foundation's giving.

Any GivingData user can create and save clear comparison and trend charts from datasets built using our Super Search report builder, without needing to export data to Excel or other data visualization tools. To begin creating new data visualizations, follow these easy steps.

To watch a video instead, visit Creating Data Visualizations with Chart View

Create a Super Search

Chart View is accessible from the results of a Super Search generated from an Organization, Request, Payment or Requirements search. Create a Super Search with your search criteria.

From the search results screen, you will now see Chart View. Click on Chart View to create visualizations from the Super Search results.

Modify Your Chart in Chart View

When you first enter Chart View, you will see a default chart based on preset settings. You can choose between a comparison chart or a trend chart and modify the chart content by changing the Aggregate By, Group By, and Sort By (comparison chart) or Frequency (trend chart) options to the left of the chart. 

The chart content options include:

  • With Aggregate By you can select the value that will determine the length or height of the bar in a comparison chart. Options for Aggregate By vary depending on the type of Super Search created.
  • Group By defines the categories against which the data from the Aggregate By option will be plotted. Options for Group By vary depending on the type of Super Search created. 

    If a code is selected, you will have the option to choose which level of code you want for the chart groupings.
  • Sort By (comparison chart) determines the field by which the chart will be sorted and in which direction the sorting is applied. Options for Sort By vary depending on the type of Super Search created and the option selected under Aggregate By.

For Trend charts, you can determine frequency you would like date fields to display.

  • Frequency (trend chart) are options for grouping date fields on a trend chart. Options are yearly, quarterly, monthly and daily.

Save Your Super Search and Chart

You can save one chart with each search. The last chart you create from Chart View, before saving the search, will be the chart saved with the search. When you run that search from your saved searches in the future, you will see the saved chart when you enter Chart View.