Codes Overview

This article covers GivingData codes.

Code Overview

Foundation users create codes in GivingData to define and categorize different aspects of their grantmaking. Codes allow Foundations to unlock and leverage powerful reporting capabilities. Users set up their Foundation's taxonomy to describe and track their work and the work of their Grantees.  At the technical level, a code assigns data to a defined category. 

Codes can be applied to the following record types in GivingData:
  • Organizations
  • Requests
  • Payments
  • Contacts

Codes can be used across various features in GivingData. Codes can filter the Payments and Approvals dashboards, can be used as search criteria, and display within search results for various search and reporting features like Super Search. Codes can also be used in some intake forms to conditionally display certain pages or questions within the form in the Grantee Portal. You can select multiple codes within a Code Type.

Code Type

A Code Type is a master classification of a set of codes. In the example below, let's use Geographic Focus as the Code Type. Codes A, B, and C are geographic regions like the Midwest, West Coast, East Coast, etc. Finally, subcodes 1- 8 are specific states within each region. 
  • Code Type = Geographic Focus
  • Codes = Regions (Midwest, West Coast, East Coast, etc.)
  • Subcodes = States (KS, OH, CA, UT, CT, MA, etc.)
Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 2.34.54 PM

For more information on Code Types, see this article

Budget Code

A Budget Code Type is selected to populate the Budget Manager and to filter the Payments and Approvals Dashboards. Generally, a Foundation will select its Budget Code during Implementation. Only one Code Type can be selected. It is possible to change a Budget Code, but speak with your CSM before doing so. 

Codes Throughout GivingData

Codes are leveraged throughout GivingData. The following highlights some key areas where codes help analyze and parse data. Please note that some features listed below are license dependent. Reach out to your CSM for more information. 

  • Super Search / Reporting
    • Search criteria in Super Search
    • Filtering criteria in some standard reports
    • Displayed in search results and chart view
    • Grouping criteria in the Reports Tool
  • Payments & Approvals Dashboards and Budget Manager
    • Filtering criteria for dashboards
    • Budget integration based on an established Budget Code
    • Populates the Allocation Summary
  • Grantee Portal
    • Codes can be used for conditional logic in invited applications, grantee reports, and submission intake forms.
    • Gather data from codes built into intake forms. 
  • Dockets and Portfolios
    • Calculations and displays from records within these features.
  • Documents
    • Mapping and editing capabilities within Super Docs
    • Codes can be merged into document templates

Pro Tip: Foundations often revisit their existing coding structure. Users can add a new Code Type, edit an existing one, and delete or deactivate codes. We recommend discussing code changes and modifications with your CSM in any scenario.