Contacts Overview

Record information about individuals and their relationships with organizations and requests in GivingData.

A contact record can be added in your GivingData site for any individual you want to connect to an organization and/or request. One or more roles can be added for a contact to indicate their specific relationship with each organization and request.

Contacts represent individuals external to your foundation, while user accounts are created for internal staff members.


Add a Contact 

Add a new or existing contact in the site directly from an organization or request record to establish the contact’s relationship with that record. A new contact can also be added to the site from the quick navigation menu, and the primary organization with which the contact is related must be selected when doing so. 

Manage a Contact

Once added to the site, a contact can be accessed through a search or from one of the organizations or requests with which the contact is related. Multiple actions are available from the contact record to manage basic information about the contact and their relationships with organizations and requests.

Manage Organization and Request Primary Contacts

The primary contact for an organization or request is used to track the foundation’s main point of contact for the record. This information can be accessed and used in multiple ways throughout the site, including as a column in list views, a merge field in document templates or emails, and as the recipient for batch emails. 

Inactivate a Contact

To keep information and appropriate grantee portal permissions up-to-date, a contact can be inactivated at a specific organization, request, or overall within the site. A contact’s relationship with an organization or request can also be deleted as needed.

Inactivating a contact retains their history in the site with related organizations and/or requests. This is recommended in most situations rather than deleting the contact's relationship with an organization or request.

Manage Contact Settings

When managing a contact’s information, a list of address, email, and phone types are available from which to select. The available types can be managed from Admin Tools & Settings. When adding an organization or request role for a contact, a list of roles are available from which to select. These available roles can also be managed from Admin Tools & Settings.