How to Set Default Interaction Locations

Users with administrative permissions can set default locations for Interactions in their GivingData site.

Navigating to Interaction Settings 

Access Settings by clicking the gear icon in the site’s Quick Navigation Bar.  

Then click “Interactions” under “Organizations & People.” 

Setting Default Interaction Locations

  1. Click the down arrow next to “Interaction Default” to see any default interaction locations already in the system.
  2. Add default interaction locations by pressing the green “Add New Default Interaction Location” button. Fill in the default location address, add a name for the location, and click Save.

Managing Existing Default Interaction Locations

  1. Click the yellow pencil button to the left of the existing default interaction location name to manage an interaction location.
  2. A modal will appear (similar to the "Add Default Interaction Location" modal pictured above) with fields populated based on the existing default interaction.
  3. Edit fields and click Save.