Managing GivingData Notification Settings

Learn how to customize your GivingData notification settings.

GivingData offers several options for receiving notifications when certain activities take place within the system. Users can adjust their notifications to customize which activities they would like to be notified about, and can select to be notified in GivingData and/or via email.

Accessing Notification Settings

To access Notification Settings, click your name in the top right corner of GivingData. Then select "Manage my Profile." 

Then click "Notifications" in the gray left-hand menu. 

Grantee Portal Notifications

You can be notified when applications and reports are submitted. Primary and secondary staff on a request are automatically set as followers on the request’s Grantee Portal intake entries. Other staff may also be added as followers.

Approval and Declination Notifications

You may receive notifications when your grants are approved or declined in GivingData.

Renewal Notifications

If your organization uses the GivingData renewal functionality, you may set reminders for yourself to renew a grant at a future date. These notifications control if/how you receive those reminders.

Task Notifications

If your organization uses Workflows in GivingData, you may choose which workflow task activities for which you would like to receive notifications. The below image shows the recommended configuration; however, this is customizable to your preferences.

There are three options when choosing when to receive workflow notifications: 

  1. "For all tasks": You will be notified when the specific trigger is hit, regardless of any dependencies in the workflow. 
  2. "For non-dependent tasks only": You will be notified to complete a workflow task only when the previous tasks that your task is dependent on have been completed. 
  3. "Do not notify me": You will not be notified at all.


In the following examples, we will look at the three task notification preference settings of Alfredo Mercer for the “A task is assigned to me” notification trigger.

For the workflow pictured below, if Alfredo’s preference for “A task is assigned to me” is set to:

  • For all tasks: As soon as the Pre-app due diligence workflow is added or Alfredo is assigned a task, he will be notified to complete the Site Visit task assigned to him, event though this task cannot be completed until Claire completes the Financial Check task. The Site Visit task is dependent on the Financial Check task.
  • For non-dependent tasks only: Alfredo will be notified to complete the Site Visit task only after Claire has completed the Financial Check task.
  • Do not notify me: Alfredo will never be notified when a task is assigned to him.