Users with the Manage Public Dashboards permission can edit the properties and criteria for existing public dashboards.
Editing Dashboard Properties
- Click the yellow Manage Dashboard button and select Edit Properties in the dropdown.
- As needed, edit the name, description, and/or visibility of the dashboard.
- Click Save to save changes.
Users cannot edit the dashboard type of an existing dashboard. This option is grayed out to signal this.
Editing Dashboard View Options
- Click Manage Dashboard and select Manage Dashboard View Options.
- Edit the view options as needed, and then click Save.
- If a budget has been configured, click Yes under Display Budget to display budget data on this dashboard.
- If a budget has been configured, click Yes under Display Budget to display budget data on this dashboard.
Editing Dashboard Criteria
To edit an existing dashboard’s criteria, click the yellow Manage Dashboard button and select Manage Criteria from the dropdown menu.
Users cannot edit the original criteria of a public dashboard, so this is grayed out.
Users can add additional criteria including groups.
To remove any criteria, click the red button. To reset criteria to the last saved criteria, click Reset.
Click Save.
If a user without the Manage Public Dashboards permission is editing a public dashboard’s criteria, clicking Update in the criteria modal will display options to not save the dashboard or to save the dashboard as a new dashboard. The “Save as the Current Dashboard” will be grayed out.
Users with the Manage Public Dashboards permission will see all three options, with none of them grayed out.