Using the New Budget Manager

Learn how to use the new Budget Manager to allocate and plan a budget.


To use the Budget Manager, first the Budget Code Type must be set up in Settings > Tags & Coding. This determines which code type is used when entering budget data in the Budget Manager.

All users are able to view the Budget data, but a user must have the new Manage Budgets permission to manage data in the new Budget Manager. 

Navigating the Budget Manager


To navigate between fiscal years, click the left and right arrows. 


Separate budgets can be entered for Payments and Approvals for each fiscal year. Click either Payments or Approvals to navigate between the two. 

Click the pencil icon to edit the total payments/approvals budget for a given fiscal year. 

Click on a code in the list view to see that code’s sub-codes.

Please note: The Subcode Sum displayed at each level of the Budget Manager indicates the total Allocation which has been assigned to codes underneath the current level code.


Quickly navigate between code levels in the dropdown menu. This menu contains all active codes for the Budget Code Type that are not lowest-level codes. Clicking on an item in the menu displays the corresponding level of coding in the budget table list view. 

Navigate back to another level of the budget by clicking on one of the parent items in the budget table list view. 

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 08.57.37

View the total assigned amount for each parent item. 

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 08.58.38

Making Allocations

GivingData's Budget Manager uses a bottom-up approach, meaning each Amount Allocated at each level of the Budget Code hierarchy equates to a total, reflected next to the All heading in the budget table below.

The Fiscal Year's Payments or Allocations Budget defined in the Budget Manager is set independently of these totals.

To edit allocations for each Budget Code, click the yellow pencil button next to each code.

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 08.59.35

Amounts can be entered for each code at any level of the Budget Code hierarchy. 

Please note that the user can enter any amount for any code, even if it results in the budget not totaling 100%. The Unassigned amount (in the budget table list view) and the Balance for the overall budget (at the top of the page) will indicate if the budget is out of balance. 

To the right of the Amount Allocated value is a percentage which indicates the change from the Original Amount Allocated to the current Amount Allocated.

For example, if the Original Amount Allocated is $1,000 and the current Amount Allocated is $1,250, this displays +25%.


Notes can be made on any level of the Budget Manager by clicking on the icon corresponding to the desired code level in the rightmost column of the table.

These notes can be saved as below in a pop-up window. Please be advised that the text in the Notes box cannot be formatted.