Organization Charity Statuses

View an organization's charity status based on IRS Publication 78 data.

After running a charity check on an organization in your GivingData site, the Charity Status field updates and verification details are available. 
  1. Navigate to the organization record.
  2. Click the Financials & Compliance tab.
  3. Click View/Manage Charity Status Verification Details.View/Manage Charity Status Verification Details link

  4. If needed, click Verify Charitable Status.Verify Charitable Status button

  5. View the IRS Publication 78 field.IRS Publication 78 field

The following fields display the date that the verification action was taken in your GivingData site; they do not necessarily display the date that IRS data was updated: 

  • Last Verified - The last date on which the Verify Charitable Status action was taken for the organization in your GivingData site.
  • Most Recent IRS Publication 78 - As of this date, the organization's charity status displayed in GivingData was up-to-date with the most recent version of the IRS Publication 78.
  • Verified with Most Recent Internal Revenue Bulletin
  • Most Recent IRS BMF - As of this date, the organization's charity status displayed in GivingData was up-to-date with the most recent version of the IRS BMF.
Below are definitions of the charity statuses that can display in the IRS Publication 78 field:
  • Verified - Indicates that the organization's charity status is verified based on a value existing for the organization in the Deductibility Limitations field of the IRS Publication 78 data.
  • Exempt - Indicates that the organization's charity status is verified based on the organization having a group exemption number and not having a value in the Deductibility Limitations field of the IRS Publication 78 data.
  • No Result - Indicates that no organization with the listed EIN number was located in the IRS Publication 78 data. 
  • Revoked - Indicates that a charity status for the organization was previously located by the system, but as of the latest verification, no organization with the listed EIN number was located in the IRS Publication 78 data.