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  2. GivingData Portals
  3. Grantee Portal - Building Intake Forms & Campaigns

Creating and Editing Grantee Portal Intake Forms

GivingData administrators with the Manage Grantee Portal Intake Forms permission can create and configure intake forms.

Watch this video for a guide of how to build Grantee Portal Intake Forms. 

Configuring the Grantee Portal

Grantee Portal Settings

GivingData uses the generic term "intake form" for all forms that can be submitted through the grantee portal.  This includes Applications, Reports (progress or final), and other types of submissions.  

Users can set up and manage various intake forms in Settings > Grantee Portal & Reviewer Portal.

image 1-1

Intake Forms

In Settings > Grantee Portal, click the down arrow to the right of the edit button to edit the contents of an intake form and its properties. Each intake form will have its own properties (the title, email subject and body, notification schedules, etc.)

updated edit properties

To add a new intake form, select the desired type. 

image 2-1

A modal will appear allowing the user to configure the intake form’s properties, invitation and confirmation email settings, and due date notifications. 

Intake Form Properties-1

Please note that the Default Import Rule option is only available for GivingData Pro and Enterprise license levels that have this feature enabled. If you would like to enable this feature, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

The Default Import Rule option allows you to set a default for how you want mapped fields to be imported. It's important to mention that you can change this default setting at any time and also make individual changes for specific fields.


When an intake form is created, it is automatically populated with two standard start and end pages.  These pages are the Introduction page and the Review and Submit Page, and they have limited functionality.

image 3-1

The intake form also has two modes: Edit and Preview.  The Preview mode allows the user to see how the grantee will experience the intake form.
image 4-1

In Edit mode, there are two types of pages that the user can add to the intake form.  The Default page allows the user to add various fields, and the Contacts page has a different set of properties related to contacts in the database.  The Contacts page can only be added once.

When creating the Contacts Page, users can select which fields will be added to the intake form and if they are required. The Contact Name field is always required.

image 5

Each contact will be assigned a role in the system.  Roles need to be set up prior to building the intake form; they can be created in Admin Settings > Contacts. 

Contacts can be assigned as either Organization contacts, Request contacts, or both. 


On Default Pages, users can add two types of fields to an intake form: Standard Fields and Mapped Fields.

Standard fields are not mapped to the database.  The user will select the appropriate field type for the type of question/answer (date, currency, percentage, etc.)  

image 6

Mapped fields are mapped to the database and are tied to two objects: Organizations and Requests.

When mapping fields from the database to the intake form, the user is given three choices to display the information to the end user.

image 7

Mapped fields can help the end user populate the intake form with data that is already on record without having to retype the information.  

Custom fields can also be mapped to intake forms.