Publishing Request Documents to a Grantee Portal Intake Form

Learn how to publish request documents to a Grantee Portal intake form, and how to manage published documents.

Document publishing allows GivingData users to share one or more existing request documents with Grantee Portal Users through a Grantee Portal Intake Form. The document(s) will be available for download within a field of the Grantee Portal Intake Form.

Document publishing is possible with the following intake forms: Invited Applications, Reports, and Submissions. In order to publish a document, a document publishing field must first be added to the Grantee Portal Intake Form template.

After a user publishes a document to an intake form, they have the option to replace it with another document or re-publish it with any recent edits.

How to Publish a Request Document to an Intake Form

The following example demonstrates how to publish a request document to a Report Intake Form. The process is the same for Invited Applications and Submissions.

1. From a request record, navigate to the Grantee Portal page.

From a request record, navigate to the Grantee Portal page.

2. Select the Reports & Submissions tab.

Select the Reports & Submissions tab.

3. Click Add New Report or Submission Requirement.

Click Add New Report or Submission Requirement.

4. Complete the required fields and select an Intake Form that has a document publishing field.

If the selected intake form has a document publishing field, the 'Attach Document(s) to Application Questions' field will appear below the Intake Form dropdown.

Complete the required fields and select an Intake Form that has a document publishing field.

5. Select the + button to browse the request's existing documents on record.

To the left of the + button, a preview of the document publishing field label will display.

Select the + button to browse the request's existing documents on record.

6. Select which request document should be published to the intake form field.

Note that the modal displays the full name of the document publishing field label, as shown below.

Select which request document should be published to the intake form field.

7. To preview a request document before publishing, select the eye icon beside it to open it. When finished, click Save.

To preview a request document before publishing, select the eye icon beside it to open it. When finished, click Save.

8. Complete the remaining required fields within the modal, then click Save.

Complete the remaining required fields within the modal, then click Save.

9. The report intake form has now been assigned to the request, and the published request document is visible beneath the Assigned Grantee Portal Users.

The report intake form has now been assigned to the request, and the published request document is visible beneath the Assigned Grantee Portal Users.

View this guide on Tango.

Managing Published Request Documents

After a request document is published to a Grantee Portal Intake Form, users can:

  • replace the document with another existing request document
  • re-publish the document with any recent edits

    1. To replace a published document with another existing document, select the Manage button. Then, select another document.

    To replace a published document with another existing document, select the Manage button. Then, select another document.

    2. To re-publish a document with any recent edits, select the icon beside it. This can also be done from the request documents page.

    Note: Unless a document is re-published to the Grantee Portal Intake Form, any changes made to the document after it was published will not be visible to the Grantee Portal User.

    To re-publish a document with any recent edits, select the icon beside it. This can also be done from the request documents page.

    3. On the Request's documents page, users will notice an icon in the Status column indicating that a document was published to a Grantee Portal Intake Form.

    On the Request's documents page, users will notice an icon in the Status column indicating that a document was published to a Grantee Portal Intake Form.

    4. An orange dot will appear beside the status icon if edits have been made to the document after it was published to a Grantee Portal Intake Form. To re-publish the document, click on the status icon and then click on the Re-Publish icon within the tool tip.

    After re-publishing, you may need to refresh the page in order for the orange dot beside the status icon to disappear.

     An orange dot will appear beside the status icon if edits have been made to the document after it was published to a Grantee Portal Intake Form. 

To re-publish the document, click on the status icon and then click on the Re-Publish icon within the tool tip.