Collecting Bank Account Information in the Grantee Portal

In addition to GivingData users managing grantee bank accounts, the Grantee Portal can also help collect bank account information.

In addition to GivingData users managing grantee bank accounts, the Grantee Portal can also help collect bank account information.  All Methods of Payments set up in a GivingData site that have bank accounts associated with them will be available to manage through the Portal.

There are two methods for managing bank accounts through the Portal:

Method 1

Grantee Portal Users with the “Manage Organization Bank Accounts” permission can log in to the Grantee Portal and provide new bank accounts or update existing bank accounts at any time, even if they have no open applications, reports, or submissions.

When Grantee Portal Users log in to the portal, they will see an Organization Details section.  

After clicking “Organization Details,” they will see a Bank Accounts tab.  In this tab, the Grantee Portal User will see the bank accounts already on file with the foundation. They can delete or edit any accounts that are not already in use on a grant, or they can add new bank accounts.  As soon as a Grantee Portal User creates or edits a bank account, that information appears immediately on that organization’s Bank Account tab in GivingData.  No intake process is required.

Method 2

Grantee Portal Users can submit banking information through intake forms once the foundation has configured the forms to request bank account information. The Grantee Portal User does not need to have the “Manage Organization Bank Accounts” permission to submit banking information in this way.

If the foundation maps bank accounts to an intake form in the Portal, the Grantee Portal User completing the form will be able to select from the accounts already on file or add a new bank account. The user will only be able to see the last four digits of the current account number for security reasons.

During the intake process, the foundation will be asked whether they would like to intake the account selected by the applicant/grantee.  If selected, the account will automatically be added to the “Default Method of Payment” field on the request as well as to any associated unpaid payments. This negates the need for the foundation staff to manually update the request record and to decide which bank account is the appropriate one to use.