Organization Manual Merge Fields for use in GivingData Document Templates

A list of organization merge fields that are not included in the Microsoft Word Add-In. These fields can be added manually to GivingData document templates.

Please note: The { } symbols in the merge field formulas below indicate that there is a unique value that should be inserted based on your instance of GivingData. When inserting a merge field, remember to omit the { } symbols.

To learn how to insert manual merge fields into a GivingData document template, please click here.

Organization Primary Contact

Field name in GivingData

Merge Field 

Org Primary Contact - First Name Organization.Contact_FirstName
Org Primary Contact - Middle Name Organization.Contact_MiddleName
Org Primary Contact - Last Name Organization.Contact_LastName
Org Primary Contact - Prefix Organization.Contact_Prefix
Org Primary Contact - Suffix Organization.Contact_Suffix
Org Primary Contact - Email Organization.Contact_Email
Org Primary Contact - Notes Organization.Contact_Notes

Organization Contact Roles

Merge Field Format


Organization.Contact_{Role}_{Contact Field}

Organization.Contact_Executive Director_Prefix

If the organization has more than one contact in the same organization contact role, the merge field will populate the contact that was most recently added to the role.

Learn more about inserting contact role merge fields.

Organization Alerts

Merge Field Format


What Displays

Organization.Alert_{Alert Type} Organization.Alert_Conflict of Interest Alert notes of the alert type specified

If the organization has more than one alert of the same type, the merge field will populate the alert notes from the most recent alert. 

If the alert type contains more than one word (such as 'Conflict of Interest'), remember to include the space(s) between words so that the Alert Type name matches what is in GivingData.

Organization Custom Fields

Merge Field Format


Organization.CustomField_{CustomFieldID} Organization.CustomField_5

Learn more about inserting custom field merge fields.

Organization Coding

Merge Field Format

What Displays

  • Primary code
  • Full coding path
  • Code short name
  • Secondary code
  • Full coding path
  • Code short name
  • Primary and secondary code selections in a comma separated list
  • Full coding path
  • Code short name 
  • Primary code
  • Lowest level of code
  • Code short name
  • Secondary code(s) in a comma separated list
  • Lowest level of code
  • Code short name

Learn more about inserting coding merge fields.

Other Organization Fields 

Field name in GD

Merge Field 

What Displays

Organization Address  Organization.AddressWithoutCountry Full organization address, without the country
Organization Financials > Expenses Total Organization.Financials_MostRecentYear_ExpensesTotal Expenses total of the most recent year
Organization Financials > Revenue Total Organization.Financials_MostRecentYear_RevenueTotal Revenue total of the most recent year
Organization Financials > Assets Organization.Financials_MostRecentYear_Assets Assets of the most recent year
Organization Financials > Liabilities Organization.Financials_MostRecentYear_Liabilities Liabilities of the most recent year
Organization financials from previous years can also be mapped in, using the following merge field format:
Organization.Financials_MostRecentYearMinus1_ExpensesTotal Expenses Total from last year
Organization.Financials_MostRecentYearMinus2_RevenueTotal Revenue Total from two years ago