Payment Statuses

This article covers Payment Status permissions, Payment Status Types, Payment Statuses, and Payment System Status Types.

Payment Statuses signal the stage of the payment process in the life cycle of a Request. There are four key user permissions associated with Payment Statuses: 

  1. Manage Payment Settings
    1. This allows users to configure Payment Statuses
  2. View Payments
    1. This allows users to view Payments on a Request Record
  3. Manage Payments
    1. This allows users to add or edit Payment Records
  4. Set Payments as Paid (requires Manage Payments to be enabled as well)
    1. This allows users to mark Payments as Paid

Payment Status Types

Just like Requests, Payments have dispositions. The dispositions are split into two categories: Planning/Pending and Approved. Underneath the dispositions are the Payment Status Types. Payment Status Types indicate which general payment disposition a new Payment Status will exist under.  The name for each disposition and Payment Status Type cannot be customized. 

There are five Payment Status Types under the two dispositions. Here are the definitions of each: 

  • Planning/Pending
    • Projected: This Payment Status Type is for payments of requests within the Exploring, Planning, and Pending request dispositions only. 
  • Approved
    • Contingent: This Payment Status Type is for Payments on approved requests that require something to be completed before the payment can be paid. This can be referencing a requirement within the system or some outside requirement. 
    • Hold: This Payment Status Type is for Payments on approved requests that are not being paid when originally scheduled according to an active decision by the Foundation. 
    • Scheduled: This Payment Status Type is for payments on requests in the Approved disposition that still need to be paid and have no requirements to be fulfilled before their payment.
    • Completed: This Payment Status Type is for payments on requests that were approved and completed in one way or another. Some examples include Paid, Voided, and Refunded Payments.

Payment Statuses

Now, let's go into more detail. Underneath Payment Status Types are Payment Statuses.  Payment Status can be customized to each Foundation’s payment process in Admin Tools and Settings, and each site comes with a preloaded list of Payment Statuses.

Payment Status

Payment System Status Types

When creating a new Payment Status under a Payment Status Type, you may also select a Payment System Status Type.

Every Payment Status Type has specific Payment System Statuses that can be associated with it. Payment System Statuses exist on the back end of GivingData so that no matter what naming conventions the foundation uses for certain functions (for example, "Paid" may be called “Committed”), the system knows which business rules to apply when a payment's status changes to that designation. Payment System Status Types are important for two reasons:

  1. They allow for automation in the system.
  2. They enable payment processes to take place.

Contact your Implementation Specialist or CSM when configuring Payment Status Types. Our team will ensure the correct Payment System Status Type is selected and help answer other questions you may have.