Release Notes 5.0.14

Release 5.0.14, scheduled for deployment on December 23, includes a new Exploring disposition, the ability to export MEL data, and other improvements and fixes.

New Exploring Disposition

The Exploring disposition allows clients to explore early-stage requests more freely without impacting the totals in GivingData. Requests in the Exploring disposition do not count against the budget in any Payments and Approvals Dashboards or within Scenario Planning. For more information, see this article. To utilize the Exploring Disposition, please get in touch with your CSM for permissions to be enabled. 

MEL Export Functionality

The MEL assessment tool was improved by adding data export functionality. A new permission called "Batch Export Learning & Evaluation Data" controls the export feature, which is now available in the batch edit menu of Super Search.

Users with this permission can batch export MEL data from Super Search via the dropdown batch edit menu.

This opens a modal where users can select which assessment groups to include. They can also choose whether they want to include request-specific assessments and/or include assessments without an Assessment Value or Notes. 

Users can also export MEL data to Excel from the MEL tab on a Request detail.


  • Added the ability to edit the payment amount in Super Docs for payments made in a site's primary currency. 
  • Added a tooltip showing a payment's coding breakdown when a Scenario Planning dashboard views all codes within a code type. Previously, this tooltip only appeared when the dashboard was filtered to a specific code.
    • Note: This tooltip will only appear if the dashboard code tracks percentages and there is at least one payment related to the number in the dashboard column. 
  • Updated Payments and Approvals Dashboards to display the dashboard's code type in the dashboard header when the dashboard is viewing all codes within a code type. 
  • Removed the sentence "Codes must be added at the lowest level" from the help text under code fields in intake forms. This text was redundant since codes could only be added at the lowest level.
  • The budget notes tooltips in the Budget card and the Allocation Summary of Payments and Approvals Dashboards have been updated. Now, to display them, you need to click on the icon, rather than just hovering over it. To exit the notes, simply click the icon again or click anywhere else on the page.
  • Made a change to prevent text wrapping on the budget line items in the Allocation Summary so that the notes icon and the budget value always display on the same line.
  • Improved the text for error messages notifying users they have been locked out of their accounts. The text now states how long the user will be locked out. 
  • Updated labels on Payments & Approvals Dashboards.
    • The "Number of Records" menu item was renamed the "Number of Payment Code Allocations" on the Payments Dashboard.
    • On the Approvals Dashboard, renamed the "Number of Records" menu item to "Number of Request Code Allocations."
    • On the chart on the Payments Dashboard, added "total payments" inside the parentheses. For example, the text now reads "$31,166,544 (89 total payments)."
    • On the chart on the Approvals Dashboard, added "total requests" inside the parentheses. For example, the text now reads "$31,166,544 (89 total requests)."
  • Column labels in the Amendment Report were updated. Changes were made both in the Report Options section when setting criteria and viewing options for the report and in the generated report's columns.
    • The "Original Grant Start" label has been updated to "Pre-Amendment Grant Start."
    • The "Original Grant End" label has been updated to "Pre-Amendment Grant End."
    • The "Original Approved Amount" label has been updated to "Pre-Amendment Approved Amount."
    • The default column label for the request field "Original Grant Amount" has been changed to "Original Approved Amount" to maintain consistency throughout the site. Note that this column label can be changed in the report's default list view settings. 
      Note: The "Grant Amount" column label can be changed in the report's default list view settings.
    • In the "Add New Grant Amendment" and "Edit Grant Amendment" modals, the "Original Value" column label has been updated to "Pre-Amendment Value" for all amendment types. The Approval Date help text has been updated to reflect this change. 

Notable Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the "Export to" button was not displaying for Super Search entity types with no batch operations available. This issue has been resolved and the fix was merged back to version 
  • Fixed an issue with sum calculation on Payments/Approvals Dashboard related to code type not tracking percentages.
  • Resolved a bug that prevented grantees from submitting some unsolicited applications due to mapped percentage coding fields.