Request Dispositions

All GivingData sites have five default request dispositions. A disposition is a master category that tells the user what stage a request is in. All requests are categorized into one of the following dispositions: Exploring, Planning, Pending, Approved, or Declined. The name for each disposition cannot be customized.

A colored folder represents each disposition: the Exploring disposition is grey, the Planning disposition is blue, the Pending disposition is yellow, the Approved disposition is green, and the Declined disposition is red. Organization records summarize the number and total dollar amount of requests within each disposition for that organization. The number in the upper right corner of each folder represents the number of requests and the total dollar amount of the request(s) in each disposition is below the folder.


Users can configure request statuses within their site's Planning, Pending, and Approved dispositions. These statuses give more precise information about where a request is in its lifecycle and allow Foundations to reflect their unique processes within GivingData. Some examples of common request statuses are listed under each disposition definition below.

Exploring Disposition


The Exploring disposition allows clients to explore early-stage requests more freely without impacting the totals in GivingData. Requests in the Exploring disposition do not count against the budget in any Payments and Approvals Dashboards or within Scenario Planning. 

Key Exploring Disposition Attributes: 

  • The Exploring disposition does not have customizable statuses. 
  • Request amounts in the Exploring disposition do not impact the total budget in Payments, Approvals, and Scenario Planning Dashboards.
  • Exploring requests are editable from Scenario Planning and will appear in the Scenario Planning view for all dashboards where they meet the dashboard criteria.
  • Exploring requests, like requests in the other dispositions, are Super Searchable.

Use Case

The Exploring disposition is ideal for users with early-stage requests they added to an external spreadsheet to avoid affecting budget totals in GivingData’s Payments and Approvals dashboards. These requests may be grants they are still exploring and have yet to move forward with. Adding them to GivingData in the Exploring disposition allows users to take advantage of all the other features GD offers, such as interactions, tags, codes, and custom fields. At the same time, they can continue to explore these funding opportunities. Users can quickly see how a potential grant will impact the budget and payout in the future by being able to move these Exploring requests into the Planning disposition. If necessary, users can move requests back to the Exploring disposition.

Planning Disposition


The Planning disposition denotes a request that is in the formal planning process. A user can customize Planning disposition request statuses to refine further what stage a request is at. Common Planning disposition statuses include LOI, Referral, and Interest Form Submitted.

Key Planning Disposition attributes

  • New requests can only be created in an Exploring, Planning, or Pending disposition.
  • Planning or Pending disposition payments can only be assigned a projected status (or whatever custom payment status is created for non-approved requests). 
  • When a request has the Planning or Pending disposition, the amounts associated with a request (e.g., requested or recommended amount and/or payment amount) will display on the Payment & Approval dashboards.

Use Case 

The Planning disposition generally denotes the earliest stage of a request moving forward, but Foundations customize their Planning and Pending dispositions to reflect their internal processes. The Planning disposition is perfect for when a foundation knows that a project or organization is going to be funded but is not sure exactly what form that support is going to take. With this disposition, the amount will count against the budget, but that total and the rest of the request fields are easily editable from Scenario Planning.

Pending Disposition


The Pending disposition denotes requests in a holding stage until an action is taken. A user can configure Pending disposition statuses to refine further what stage a request is at. Common Pending disposition statuses include Invited Application, Due Diligence & Application Under Review. 

Key Pending Disposition attributes

  • New requests can only be created in an Exploring, Planning or Pending disposition.
  • Planning or Pending disposition payments can only be assigned a projected status (or whatever custom payment status is created for non-approved requests). 
  • When a request has the Planning or Pending disposition, the amounts associated with a request (e.g., requested or recommended amount and/or payment amount) will display on the Payment & Approval dashboards.

Use Case

The Pending disposition generally denotes more confidence in the request moving forward, but Foundations customize their Planning and Pending dispositions to reflect their internal processes. Foundations may mark a grant as "Pending" when it is being considered for funding. This could be when the grant has been invited or is under review for approval by the board.

Approved Disposition


The Approved disposition indicates a request has been approved.  A user can configure Approved disposition statuses to refine further what stage a request is at. Common Approved disposition statutes include Pending Contract, Active Grant, and Closed

Key Approved Disposition attributes

  • In order for a request to move into an Approved disposition, it is essential to assign any required codes beforehand.
  • Once a request moves into an Approved disposition, payment statuses change from a pre-approved status (Projected) to an appropriate approved status (Scheduled, Contingent, etc.).
  • An Approved request can have grant amendments.
  • Once a request moves into an Approved disposition, payments on a Payment dashboard will display under the assigned payment status.
  • Once a request has been Approved, grantees can be invited to reports and submissions on the request. 

Use Case: 

A Board approves requests, which the Foundation will pay out. 

Declined Disposition


The Declined disposition indicates a request has been declined.  

Key Declined Disposition attributes:

  • Like the Exploring disposition, the Declined disposition does not have configurable statuses.
  • Once selecting the Declined disposition, the user can add declination reasons.
  • The Declined disposition is not visible on the Payment & Approvals dashboard; therefore, declined dollars do not show.
  • Any existing payments on Declined requests are automatically deleted once the status changes to Declined.

Use Case:

A Board declines requests and, therefore, will not be paid out by the Foundation.