Release Notes 5.0.4

Deployed to most sites on December 17, 2022, this release contains a redesigned configurable homepage and other improvements.

Homepage Redesign

Version 5.0.4 contains a redesigned GivingData homepage. It now is configurable by an admin for sitewide settings and includes widgets for a default Dashboard, assigned Tasks and Requirements, Recently Viewed Organizations and Requests, and Recently Run Saved Searches. Widgets can be resized and rearranged, or they can be removed altogether. For more information about the redesign and how to configure the homepage, please view this article and video

Other Improvements

  • Added validation for length of input and dropdown custom field values. After this improvement, users can only enter up to 8,000 characters in text input or dropdown custom fields. 
  • Added a blank/null option for dropdown and boolean custom field types. 
  • Updated the print view of Super Search results. When printing, the List View and Chart View tabs are now hidden.
  • Improved column spacing for a Public Saved Search list view so the search name is larger and more legible.

Notable Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with the sort order of Documents on the Documents tab of an Organization or Request record. Prior to the fix, the documents appeared in ascending order (oldest documents to newest). Now, the documents appear in descending order (newest to oldest). This fix has been merged back to version
  • Resolved an issue with selecting any non-lowest-level codes in the Tags & Coding tab of a Request. Prior to the fix, any codes that had a sub-code below them lost the ability to be selected. This fix was merged back to version
  • Corrected a bug with the Document Properties modal for a document accessed from its associated Workflow Task. Prior to the fix, the Document Properties modal would not close. This fix was merged back to version
  • Fixed an issue with sorting by Additional Fields in Scenario Planning. This fix was merged back to version
  • Corrected a bug with certain Workflow Dashboard criteria not sticking after being applied. Prior to the fix, when a user unchecked the checkmark for "Include tasks waiting on another task" in the Dashboard Criteria modal, that selection did not persist; tasks waiting on another task still appeared on the Dashboard. This fix was merged back to version
  • Resolved a bug with exporting Super Search results to Excel when a date/time field was in a Super Search column. Prior to the fix, the Excel export file was never created when date/time fields were present in Super Search results. This fix was merged back to version
  • Corrected a bug with certain Reports exported to Excel. Reports involving certain fields (including Project Fund and Payment Fund) also included extraneous information in the Excel file generated. This fix was merged back to version
  • Fixed an issue with adding an empty PowerPoint template as a document template in Settings. This change was merged back to version
  • Fixed an issue with deleting a DocuSign e-signature and the associated document. This fix was merged back to version
  • Fixed a bug with editing the title of a Super Doc from the Super Doc Properties modal. Prior to the fix, the modal did not open to allow editing. This fix was merged back to version 
  • Resolved an issue with the Type field for a Super Doc. Prior to the fix, the field appeared as a text box rather than a dropdown field. This fix was merged back to version
  • Corrected an issue with links to workflow-associated documents from the Task Details modal. Prior to the fix, the document's name no longer functioned as a hyperlink to the document itself. This fix has been merged back to version

Other Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with copying codes to mapped field notes when importing an intake entry from the Grantee Portal into GivingData. 
  • Fixed a bug with error text populating in certain Excel exports from Super Search. The issue arose occasionally when custom fields were involved in the Super Search results.