Viewing Submitted Reviews

Within Request records and the Grantee Portal Intake Forms dashboard the responses from External Review forms are compiled for ease of reference.

Checking the Reviews on Request Records

When inside a Request record with an attached External Review form, the assigned reviewers can be seen by accessing the “Review Details” tab. As seen below, both assigned reviewers have submitted the form.

To see the reviews, select “View All Reviews for this Application.” This will open a new modal where you will be able to review and print all the information submitted by the reviewers.

Viewing the Reviews on Dashboards 

GivingData dashboards provide another place to view side-by-side comparisons of the External Review forms. In the dashboards, the compilation of External Review forms are able to be exported to Excel. To do so, navigate to Dashboards > Grantee Portal Intake Forms tab > Select Intake Form Type. From here, click on the name of the application whose External Review forms should be analyzed. Then, click “In Review” to see the listview of completed External Review forms. 

Users also have the ability to select “Review Comparison” on the dashboard to see aggregated responses and export to Excel.