Assigning Application Intake Forms to Requests

Learn how to assign application intake forms to request records.

Please note that users must have the following permissions enabled in order to assign application intake forms to requests: "Manage Grantee Portal Users and Roles" and "Manage Request Intake Entries" (specified by Disposition). 

Assigning Applications

Each request record has a “Grantee Portal” tab. 

On this tab, if no application has been assigned yet, a green “Add New Application” button will appear.

Clicking on that button opens a modal where the user can select the specific application to assign to the request. 

The following choices must be made when assigning an application:

  • Intake Form – In the dropdown list, the user will see all active intake forms available in the Portal.  One form must be selected.
  • Intake Entry Open Date – This is the date the intake form becomes editable by the grantee.
  • Intake Entry Due Date – This is the date by which the grantee is expected to submit their intake form through the Portal.  After this date, they will see a red “Overdue” flag in the Portal.
  • Before Intake Entry Open Date – For each application, users decide whether an intake form will be visible before its intake entry open date.  Selecting “Do not display Intake Entry” will hide the intake form from the grantee until the assigned Intake Entry Due Date. Selecting “Display Intake Entry as read-only” allows the grantee to view the intake form in read-only mode before the Intake Entry Due Date.  

Next, the user needs to assign the individual(s) that will receive an invitation to edit this particular application