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  2. Support & Troubleshooting

Bugs, the GivingData Help Desk, and Support Ticket Best Practices

What are bugs, and how should you contact the Help Desk about them?

What is a bug?

A software bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.

Bugs are a normal part of software development, and GivingData works to fix them as soon as possible.  

We are grateful for our clients to help us create the best grants management software on the market, and we work in concert with them to develop new features and squash bugs on an ongoing basis.

Who do I contact when I find a bug?

When you find a bug or encounter an issue on your GivingData site, please contact the GivingData Support Team by submitting a ticket.

How can I submit a thorough ticket?

Help desk tickets are monitored by the GivingData Client Success team.  The purpose of a help desk ticket is to make GivingData aware of any issues a user may have with the site.  

To expedite a solution, please include the following information:

  • What steps did you take to produce this issue?  Are you able to reproduce the issue following these same steps?
  • What browser (and version) are you using? To find the version for Google Chrome or Safari, click on the browser name in the computer’s browser menu and select “About [Browser name].” 
  • Are you able to include a screenshot of the issue?
  • Does the issue continue after clearing the cache and logging out and back in?
  • If possible, please include a screenshot of the code from the web page. (Please consult this guide to taking screenshots of the site code.)