Build a Workflow Template

Build a workflow template, consisting of one or more tasks, which can then be automatically or manually added to requests.

Workflows are available with the Pro and Enterprise subscriptions. 

The first step towards using workflows in your site is to build a workflow template. A workflow template is the combination of tasks and configurations that serve as steps in a workflow. Once a workflow template is built, it can be manually added to requests or configured to be automatically added to requests based on certain events. 

Add a New Workflow Template

  1. Click the gear icon in the quick navigation menu.
  2. Click Workflows.
    Workflows link

  3. Click Add New Workflow.
    Add New Workflow button

  4. Complete the applicable Add Workflow fields, and then click Save. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk. 
    1. Workflow Name - Enter a name that captures the purpose of the workflow. 
    2. Workflow Type - The selection in this field dictates the available triggers for automatically adding a workflow to a request, as well as the available task completed actions. Refer to the Workflow Types section for details. 
    3. Description - Enter an optional description of the workflow’s purpose and any other details related to its use.
    4. Set Task Due Dates Based On - Due dates for tasks within the workflow can be set automatically. This field dictates which date is used as the basis for setting those due dates.
      1. For example, if Workflow Added Date is selected, the due date for each task can be configured based on a certain number of days before or after the date the workflow is added to a request.
      2. If this field is left blank, task due dates will not be set when the workflow is added to a request. Due dates can be configured manually. 
    5. Automatically Add This Workflow to Requests - Configure rules to automatically add this workflow to requests based on a triggering event, such as the request status changing to a certain status. This is optional. Refer to the Automatically Add a Workflow to Requests section for details.
      Save button

The new workflow template is now available in the Workflows list on the Workflows settings page.  

  • Click the caret to expand the details.

  • Click the pencil icon to edit the workflow template properties.
    Pencil icon

  • Click the trash can icon to delete the workflow template.
    Trash can icon

One or more tasks can now be added to build out the workflow steps. 

Add a Workflow Task

  1. Follow the steps in the Add a New Workflow Template section to add a new workflow template, or navigate to an existing workflow template in the list. 
  2. Click Add New Task to add the first task in the workflow.
    Add New Task button

  3. Complete the applicable Add Task fields, and then click Save. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk. 
    1. Task Name - Enter a name that captures the purpose of the task.
    2. Due - Enter the number of days and select before or after the specified date to configure the due date for this task. 
      1. Refer to the Add a New Workflow section for details on the related workflow field and make edits if needed.
      2. If no number of days is entered, no task due date will be automatically configured. It can be manually added later if needed. 
    3. Description - Enter as much detail as necessary to describe the task. It is recommended to think through and write out each step the assigned user needs to take in order to complete this task. 
    4. Visibility - Select the visibility of this task for users other than the assignee and followers. 
      1. Public - Any user with the necessary permissions to open the task can view all activity and details and can make comments or edits. 
      2. Private - Only the assignee and followers can view the task activity and details and make comments.
    5. Dependent On - If this task can only be completed after one or more other tasks are complete, select each of those tasks from this dropdown.
      1. A user assigned to the task cannot change its status until the tasks it is dependent on have been marked complete.
    6. Assigned - Select the specific user or role to be automatically assigned to this task.
      1. If the Primary Staff or Secondary Staff role is selected, the user with that role will be assigned to this task when the workflow is added to a request.
      2. If no user or role is selected, the assignee field will be blank when the workflow is added to a request. An assignee can be added manually at a later time. 
    7. Followers - Select one or more users or roles to be automatically added as followers to this task.
      1. If the Primary Staff or Secondary Staff role is selected, the user with that role will be added as a follower of this task when the workflow is added to a request. Selecting Request Followers automatically adds followers of the request as followers of this task.
      2. If nothing is selected, no follower will be automatically added. The followers can be added manually at a later time. 
    8. Add Task Completed Action - Configure an action to be prompted when this task is marked complete. This is optional. Refer to the Add Task Completed Actions section for details.
      Save button

Add as many additional tasks as needed to the workflow. Drag and drop tasks to reorder them within the workflow. 

  • This task order is a visual tool. Task due dates must be changed by editing each task.
  • If dependencies have been set, a task cannot be moved above a task upon which it depends. and dependencies are not affected by the order in which tasks are dragged and dropped.
  • Once a workflow template is added to a request, the task order can be edited for that specific request if needed.
    Drag and drop icon

Each user can configure their own notification settings related to workflow tasks. Managing GivingData Notification Settings contains details and offers a recommended configuration of notification settings for users with access to workflows.

Workflow Types

The selected workflow type dictates the available triggers (rules) for automatically adding the workflow to requests, as well as the available task completed actions. When choosing the workflow type, it is recommended to think through what event starts the workflow and what actions should be prompted as workflow tasks are completed.

The chart below displays the available task completed actions based on workflow type.

The Learning & Evaluation workflow type is only available with the outcome tracking and learning feature, which is available as an add-on to all subscriptions.

Task Complete Actions Chart

For each workflow type, below are the available rules for triggering a workflow to be added automatically to a request. 

  • Request Workflow - Rules based on request status changing. 
  • Payment Workflow - Rules based on payment status changing 
  • Requirement Workflow - Rules based on the Requirement Completed field changing to Yes or No.
  • Learning Workflow - N/A
  • Grant Amendment Workflow - Rules based on amendment status changing.
  • Unsolicited Application Workflow - N/A
  • Invited Application Workflow - Rules based on intake entry status changing.
  • Active Grant Intake Form Workflow - Rules based on intake entry status changing.
  • Grantee Report Workflow - Rules based on intake entry status changing.
  • Grantee Submission Workflow - Rules based on intake entry status changing.

Criteria can be added to refine each rule. The available criteria for refining the rules are shown below based on workflow type.Criteria Chart

Automatically Add a Workflow to Requests

While workflows can be added to requests manually, rules can also be configured to automatically add a workflow to requests. These rules describe a trigger event, such as the request status changing to a specific status. Criteria can be added to refine each rule. See the Workflow Types section for details on which rules and criteria are available based on the selected workflow type. 

  1. Follow the steps in the Add a New Workflow Template section to add a new workflow template, or click the pencil icon next to an existing workflow template to edit it. 
  2. Click Automatically Add This Workflow to Requests.
    Automatically Add This Workflow to Requests option

  3. Click Add Another Rule.
    Add Another Rule button

  4. Select an option from the dropdown to configure the rule for automatically adding this workflow to a request. Dropdown options

  5. Click Add New Criteria, and then select options from the dropdowns to configure criteria to check before adding the workflow based on the rule. If a request meets the criteria, the workflow will be added to the request when the trigger described by the rule occurs.Dropdown options

    1. Click Add New Criteria again to configure additional criteria. Up to 3 criteria can be configured per rule.Add New Criteria button

      1. The operator can be changed from And to Or in between the criteria. The same operator applies in between all criteria for the rule. And Or operators

  6. Click Add Another Rule to add an additional rule if needed.
    1. If multiple rules are added, they are combined with the OR operator, meaning the workflow will automatically be added if any of the rules are true.Add Another Rule button

  7. Click Save.Save button

The workflow will now automatically be added to requests when any of the trigger events occur as described by the rules and their criteria.

  • In the example below, the workflow will automatically be added to requests when the request status changes to Invited, if the transaction type is equal to cash grant and the recommended amount is greater than $50,000. Workflow automation rule example

Add Task Completed Actions

For each task within a workflow, an action can be prompted when a user completes the task. See the Workflow Types section for details on which actions are available to prompt based on the selected workflow type. When a user marks the task complete, a modal appears, asking the user if they would like to take the suggested action.

In the example below, the task was configured to prompt the action of changing the request status. After the user marked the task complete, the modal below appeared to prompt the user to take the action of changing the request status.Task completed action modal

Follow the steps below to configure a task completed action for a workflow task.

  1. Follow the steps in the Add a Workflow Task section to add a new workflow task, or click the pencil icon next to an existing workflow task to edit it. 
  2. Click Add Task Completed Action.
    Add Task Complete Action option

  3. Select an action from the dropdown.
    Action dropdown

  4. Based on the action selected, an additional dropdown may appear. Select the appropriate option from the dropdown.
    1. For example, if the action is changing the request status, the request status to be selected by default is configured in the next dropdown. When completing this task, the user can select a different status if desired.
      Default Request Status dropdown

  5. Click Save.
    Save button

A user completing this task will now be prompted to complete the configured action.