How to Build a Workflow Template

Learn how to create a new workflow template that includes a series of tasks within a specific grant process. Automation rules can be added within a workflow template to streamline your daily work.

Workflows are included with GivingData Pro and Enterprise subscriptions.

Site administrators with permission to 'Manage Workflow Settings' will be able to create and edit workflows.

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Creating a New Workflow

  1. Navigate to Admin Tools & Settings. Select Grantmaking > Workflows.
  2. To create a new workflow template, click the green "Add New Workflow" button.
  3. Give the workflow a name.
  4. Choose a workflow type. Workflow types are the object type to which the workflow relates.  All workflows are added from a request record, but they can be associated with a sub-element of a request record.  Workflow type options are:
      • Request
      • Payment
      • Requirement
      • Grantee Portal Intake Entry
      • Grant Amendment
      • Monitoring and Assessment (available only if the Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning module has been purchased)
  5. Description - This is an optional field for more context about when and why this particular workflow should be used.
  6. Set Task Due Dates Based On - This is an optional field.  For each workflow, users can assign a rule that will determine automatically assigned due dates for each task within the workflow. For example, the task due dates can be calculated from the date the workflow was added, the request meeting date, etc.  If left blank, whenever the workflow is assigned to a specific request, all task due dates will be unassigned.  They may be left that way or added manually to each task after the workflow is added.  Due dates can also be assigned via Batch Edit in a Workflows Super Search.
  7. Automatically Add this Workflow - This is an optional configuration where users can set rules for the workflow to automatically add to a request record when it is set to a particular status.  Users will still have the option to manually add the workflow to a record at any time.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Begin the process of building out the tasks within the workflow.
  10. For each task:
    • Click "Add New Task."
    • Give the task a name.
    • If the workflow was configured to assign task due dates automatically, then the user will need to enter the number of days before or after the Set Task Due Date selection that the task will be due on.
    • Description - This is optional.  It can be used to give the task assignee more details as to what they should do when completing the task.
    • Visibility - Public (default option) or Private.  GivingData workflows are designed to allow colleagues to reassign tasks, follow tasks, or complete a task on someone else’s behalf, so that work can continue to move forward even if the original assignee is unavailable.  However, some tasks may generally contain more sensitive information, or require that the person assigned be the one to complete the task.  In those cases, make the task “Private.”  This will prevent others from assigning the task to themselves or others, from completing the task unless they are already the assignee or a follower, or from seeing any comments on the task unless they are the assignee or a follower.
    • Dependent On - This is optional.  GivingData workflows are flexible and can support multiple tasks being completed concurrently.  However, in situations where steps must be completed in a specific order, this field can be used.  One or more tasks added earlier in the workflow can be added here.  This will prevent the assignee from marking this task complete until the tasks listed in the Dependent On field have already been marked complete.
    • Assigned - This is an optional field.  This would allow the task to be assigned to a specific person automatically when the workflow is added to a request.  If not used, the task will still be created, but will be unassigned.  Tasks can be manually assigned after being added, and can also be assigned via Batch Edit in Super Search.  The options for Assigned are to make the Primary Staff Person the assignee, the Secondary Staff Person the assignee, or a specific person from the staff list the assignee.
    • Followers - This is an optional field.  The options work the same as the assignee field.  Followers are people that are not the person expected to complete the task, but have an interest in following the progress of the task.
    • Add Task Completed Action - This is optional.  If, when a task is completed, the request status should be updated, the request approved or declined, the payment status updated, the requirement marked complete, or approve a grant amendment (options are dependent upon the workflow type). Adding a Task Completed Action will not automatically update the status behind the scenes.  It will create a pop-up modal asking the user who completed the task if they would like to update the status, for them to accept or decline.
  11. Continue building out the tasks until complete. The workflow can now be assigned to a request record.