Changing a Request's Anticipated Approval Date

Learn how to edit a request's Anticipated Approval Date and how this field impacts the Approvals Dashboards.

Requests that are in the Planning or Pending disposition will display the 'Anticipated Approval Date' field on the Request Overview page. This field will be automatically removed from the request once it has moved to the 'Approved' or 'Declined' disposition.

Why is the Anticipated Approval Date field important?

The 'Anticipated Approval Date' field will control how a Planning or Pending request appears on any Approvals Dashboard. 

For example, if a request's 'Grant Fiscal Year' field value is 2022 but the 'Anticipated Approval Date' falls within the 2023 fiscal year, then the request will appear within the 2023 fiscal year on the Approvals Dashboards. 

Where is the Anticipated Approval Date field?

The 'Anticipated Approval Date' will appear within the timeline, located at the bottom of the Request Overview page.

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Why is there no pencil icon beside the Anticipated Approval Date field?

The 'Anticipated Approval Date' field is not directly editable because it automatically inherits the value of another date field on the request.

The date field that controls the 'Anticipated Approval Date' will depend upon the configuration of your GivingData site. The fields that may control the 'Anticipated Approval Date' include:

  • Meeting Date (most common)
  • Request Date
  • Project Start Date
  • Create Date

How do I know which date field controls the Anticipated Approval Date on my GivingData site?

To find out which date field controls the 'Anticipated Approval Date' field, click the Add button in the Quick Navigation Menu.

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Select New Request.

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Scroll to the bottom of the New Request modal and note which date field displays beneath the Staff fields.

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The date field in this modal is your site's pending date field, and it controls the 'Anticipated Approval Date' value.

Please note that if no date value is entered when the request is created, then this date field (and the 'Anticipated Approval Date') will default to the last day of your fiscal year, which is configured within Admin Tools & Settings. 

How do I change the Anticipated Approval Date?

Once you have identified your pending date field, simply change the value of that field in order to update the request's 'Anticipated Approval Date' field. 

In the example below, the 'Meeting Date' field controls the 'Anticipated Approval Date'.

1.   Select the pencil icon beside 'Meeting Date'.

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2.   Click on the existing value to open the calendar picker. Select the new Meeting Date/Anticipated Approval Date from the calendar.

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3.   Click Update.

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4.  The 'Meeting Date' and 'Anticipated Approval Date' fields have both been updated.

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Is it possible to change which pending date field controls the 'Anticipated Approval Date' on our GivingData site?

Yes, your GivingData Client Success Manager or Implementation Manager can make a sitewide change to change the pending date field.

Keep in mind that the available options include: Meeting Date, Request Date, Project Start Date, and Create Date. 

Once the sitewide change has been made, all existing requests in the Planning and Pending disposition will reflect this change immediately.