Release Notes 5.1.4

Release 5.1.4, scheduled for deployment on May 25, includes three new features and enhancements, site improvements and several notable bug fixes.

New Features

New Verify Organization Bank Account Information User Permissions

The new permission “Verify Organization Bank Account Information” controls the ability to change the verification status of an Organization Bank Account and add verification notes. The existing bank account permission “Manage Organization Bank Account Information” has been updated to no longer control bank account verification. These two permissions can now be assigned to different roles in your GivingData site. Additionally, the Organization Record Activity Stream now tracks changes made to bank account and routing numbers.

Online Editing & Sync with GivingData Cloud Native Documents

Users with the GivingData Cloud Native Documents storage can now open documents to edit in Microsoft Office 365. By clicking on the Document Title, the document will open in a new tab where a user, or multiple users, can edit the document that will be saved without requiring a re-upload of the document to GivingData. 

Please reach out to your Implementation Manager or CSM to enable this feature.

For more information on how to use the Online Editing & Sync and associated permissions, please visit here.

Update to Outlook Add-in Installation

The Outlook Add-in is available at the Pro and Enterprise subscription levels. There is now a new process for installing the Outlook Add-in that resolves issues for Mac users and eliminates the need to authenticate your Outlook login while adding Interactions to GivingData.

Users who already have the Outlook Add-in installed will need to re-install the Outlook Add-in by December 31, 2024 to avoid disruption. GivingData will reach out to your foundation to assist with this transition. 

This new installation process will require IT set up prior to installing. For more information on how to install the Outlook Add-in, please visit here.


  • Scenario Planning - Automatically show changes without refreshing the page: When making changes while using Scenario Planning, changes take effect without needing to refresh the site page. Changes that will now automatically refresh include: Updating the Fiscal Year Range, editing a Request statuses, and “Edit Fields” for Request list view.
  • Scenario Planning - Tooltip for Exploring and Planning Requests Renewals: For renewal records in the Exploring and Planning dispositions displayed in Scenario Planning, the tooltip has been updated to display the renewal record Request Name and Request ID: “Renewal Of: {Request Name} (Request ID: {ID})”
  • Dockets - Updated Docket Details UI: Various updates have been made to update the user interface of the Docket Details to maintain consistency throughout the site. Various updates include: Date selector, Status selector, Docket Overview display, and Request list display.
  • Dockets Dashboard - Updated Docket Dashboard UI: Various updates have been made to the user interface of the Dockets Dashboard to maintain consistency throughout the site. Various updates include: Add new Docket Modal, list of Dockets, and Docket criteria.
  • Portfolios Dashboard - Updated Portfolio Dashboard UI: Various updates have been made to the user interface of the Portfolios Dashboard to maintain consistency throughout the site. Various updates include: Add new Portfolio Modal, list of Portfolios, and Portfolio criteria.
  • Activities Search - Task Activity Types Updated: Two Task Activity Type labels have been updated to “Document Linked” and “Document Unlinked”.

Notable Bug Fixes

With every new release, we address bug fixes that may affect your user experience. If you have any queries or concerns about bugs, feel free to contact our support team for assistance.

  • A bug affecting an applicant’s ability to upload a file to an intake form has been resolved.
  • A bug affecting the ability to sort by a Code column in a Grantee Portal Intake Form Dashboard.
  • A bug affecting the export of a report that has been run in the Report Tool has been resolved.