Response Comparison Tool

The Response Comparison Tool allows users to compile answers to multiple intake form questions into a single page. This feature is available to GivingData clients at all subscription levels.

The Response Comparison Tool allows users to collect applicant/grantee answers to mapped and standard fields and organize all answers on one screen. The tool streamlines the comparison of responses to intake form questions by reducing the need to click through individual intake entries to view data. It can be a great resource for internal and/or external review of intake forms.

Standard fields are only in the application or intake form and cannot be imported into GivingData. The Response Comparison Tool provides a way to compare standard field answers across multiple applicants/grantees in one view.

The Response Comparison Tool is available for the following intake form types: Unsolicited, Invited, Reports, Submissions, Organization Intake Forms, and Active Grant Intake Forms.

The following Intake Form Statuses are visible on the Response Comparison Tool: Submitted, Partially Imported, Imported, Accepted, Not Accepted, and in External Review. 

Where to Find the Response Comparison Tool

The Response Comparison Tool is a tab within the Grantee Portal Intake Form Dashboard. After navigating to Dashboards > Grantee Portal Intake Forms, users must choose the specific Intake Form Type they want to view — Invited Applications, Unsolicited Applications, Reports, Submissions, etc.

Then, users will drill down into a single Intake Form to review. For more details on the Grantee Portal Intake Forms Dashboard, please refer to this article.

In the example below, the Intake Form Type = Unsolicited Application and the Intake Form = “[Demo] Open Application Process (with Eligibility Quiz).”

landing page of GPIF dashboard

How to Utilize the Response Comparison Tool 

Once a user clicks the “Response Comparison” tab, the next step is to navigate to “Edit Columns.”

click into Response Comparison tab

Then, click “View All Columns.” 

click into Edit Columns

A modal titled “Select Intake Entry Fields” will now appear. Within the modal are two tabs: “Intake Entry Responses” and “Intake Entry Properties.” The “Intake Entry Responses” tab surfaces the specific questions asked in an intake form — both standard fields (Text, Text Area, Checkboxes, etc.) and mapped fields (Organization + Request fields).

The “Intake Entry Properties” tab surfaces the wide range of fields accessible on request records (codes, custom fields, dockets, etc). Users can combine fields from the “Intake Entry Responses” and “Intake Entry Properties” tabs they want to review. For further instructions on how to edit columns in a list view, please refer to this article.  

intake entry responses

Once all selected columns have been added to the list view, users can see all the desired data on one page. The list view can also be exported to Excel. 

export to excel

Tips & Tricks

  • The specific columns selected in the Response Comparison Tool will only be visible to the user who set them up. The columns selected in one user’s Response Comparison Tool do not “stick” across the site; each user can pull in the questions most interesting to them without impacting another user’s view.
  • The specific columns selected in the Response Comparison Tool list view do not save once a user logs out. A best practice is to determine the Default List Views in the Response Comparison Tool's settings. Please refer to this article for more information on how to edit Default List Views. 
  • There are certain fields that cannot be surfaced in the Response Comparison Tool due to technical limitations. These fields include the following: 
    • Standard Field Types 
      • File Upload (Single and Multiple Files)
      • Demographics via Candid 
    • Mapped Field Types 
      • Editable Codes
      • Bank Account 
      • Financial Data By Year (Organization and Project Budget) 
      • Assessment Sources / Organization’s Self-Assessment 
    • Page Type
      • Contacts 
  • Pages and fields that are conditionally displayed in an intake form are available as columns in the Response Comparison Tool. 
  • HTML formatting from Text Area fields is carried over in the Response Comparison Tool. 
  • Checkboxes show as “Yes” if the box was selected and “No” if the box was not selected. 
  • Once the Response Comparison Tool has more than 10 columns, it will often be easier to view the results via an export to Excel.