Workflow Task Completed Actions

Task completed actions allow GivingData users to easily change statuses of Requests, Payments, etc., when completing a task in a workflow.

Adding Task Completed Actions to a Workflow Template

GivingData Administrators that have access to Settings Management can add task completed actions to any tasks in workflow templates.

When adding a new task to a workflow template, there is an “Add Task Completed Action” option at the bottom of the Edit Task modal.

Click to expand, and a dropdown list of actions will appear that users can set to be triggered when a user completes the task on a request.  The options available will vary depending on whether the task is part of a Request, Payment, Requirement, Grant Amendment, Monitoring & Assessment, or Intake Entry workflow.

Select the action to trigger.  Users may also be asked to choose what status the request, payment, etc. should change to. For example, when choosing “Change Request Status,” users can choose what Request status the user should be prompted to change the request to when completing the task.

Using Task Completed Actions on a Request

When a user completes a task that has a Task Completed Action associated with it, a modal will pop up asking the user if they would like to complete the suggested action.

Clicking update will make the identified change.  If the user does not want to make the prompted status change, they may click the cancel button.